One Day Can Change Everything

I often hear people say "A day is just 24 hours, it's not much" others even add "I can't seem to do much within a day." But I tell you, just one day can change everything.


Imagine you did not find out about steemit when you did or perhaps you skipped that day. Personally, I am glad I found out about Steemit when I did. It is better late than never. Do not get me wrong, before Steemit, I had a social media life. I had hundreds of thousands of followers across various platforms. And yes, I was a Twitter addict. But, I found Steemit at a time when I had given up on blogging.


I started blogging around 2010, the reason for stopping was beyond my control. I later had a partnership with a Web developer, who also happened to be my cousin. We started working on two websites together with my brother. One was a crime blog, the other was an entertainment blog. The crime blog was making waves, it was the first of its kind - I didn't really know of any other crime blog at that particular time. I was planning on talking to a popular crime reporter in my state, in order to get firsthand news. The other blog, I just posted what ever was on my mind on it.

While still working on the blog, I got a call that the Web developer had moved to Atlanta, after her marriage. I really felt bad for the projects we had together, and happy for her though. I knew such distance could affect our blogs. She encouraged me, telling me that she is still going to be doing her best. But few months later both domains expired, I did not hear from her anymore. Even the outstanding Google Adsense payments I didn't get a penny from. That period, I just decided to close the blogging chapter of my life.
I'm sure now, you see how a day changed my blogging dreams. I just decided to try out Steemit, I didn't really put much hope in it, but I knew for certain I didn't need a Web developer for this. The day I joined Steemit, I started a new journey. I'll be keeping you all posted on how the journey is going. The beginning of the journey was a bit rough, but I'm glad I triumphed. I have been able to introduce new talents to the community too. I think this is a platform for all kinds of people.

With determination and efforts on our parts, we all can make everyday count. Just in one day, you can change the world.

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