Why Highschool Memories Are The Best?

MOST people would agree that highschool life is the best. It brings a lot of memories that brings out different kinds of emotions—happiness, sadness and yes, excitement! Most people still remember the details of their highschool life. And what else is a more better way to spend class reunions than to reminisce old but unforgettable memories?

High School Buddies reunited

Highschool life shaped most of us and defined our teenage life. Now, let's have a quick time travel and enjoy this short list of reasons why highschool life was the BEST:

  • It's simple, innocent and sweet.

Remember the first time you had a crush on your classmate who happens to be sitting beside you? Or when your campus hearthrob said "hi" which made your heart beat eratically? Who would forget the marriage both where you made your vows with your special someone? Puppy love, crushes, heartbreak... All of that became a part of your highschool life. It's something that's so beautiful to look back when you grow older. Some memories make you cringe, some makes you laugh and some makes you genuinely smile. Because, admit it, it's a very beautiful phase of your life.

  • Exciting events.

One of the sweetest memories when we had a summer getaway last 2015 :)

There's always something to look forward almost every month when you're a highschool student. Intramurals, Nutrition Month, Entrepreneurial Day, School Presscon, and of course, JS Prom! These events made your highschool life more colorful and memorable. Each event contains specific memories that remains carved on your mind. Each event gave you the opportunity to create amazing memories with your friends.

  • Cool friends.

High School (Batch Prudence) reunited after a couple of years back

In speaking of friends, everyone would agreee that highschool life is boring without them. They're the one who bullied you, humiliated you and even revealed your deepest and most-hidden secret in front of your special someone. But they're also the same people who would go into verbal wars and even catfights when somebody hurts you. They would take notes for you when you're absent from school. They'd make excuses for you and they're your "partners-in-crime" during exams (if you know what I mean).

  • Less complicated.

School works can be stressful. Sometimes, you lack of sleep because of the huge pile of homeworks and projects to finish. You stay up until dawn in order to finish them but still ended up doing them at school. But trust me, highschool life is pretty simple and way less complicated than adulthood. The real world is cruel, complicated and extremely hard to deal with. It requires a lot of strength and courage. So, while you're still in highschool, savour each moment. Learn from your mistakes, get up and learn to be strong. It's the perfect moment to be mature. It's the best and earliest time to prepare yourself from the harsh reality of an adult's life.

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