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Music is an outburst of the soul. Frederick Delius

I don't know about you - but on my planet - I literally have a backing track for every single passing moment in my life. It has been this way for as long as I can remember. I have wonderful childhood memories of table dancing on Saturday afternoons whilst accompanying my mom to the live jazz sessions at the Heidelberg in Obs. - I think I even got a 20c tip once. haha!

I am sure my brothers will also attest to the eardrum torture they "supposedly" endured, as I frequently (and rather loudly) sang along to my moms Jennifer Rush and Beatles LP's! - Ag shampies guys... eating your peri-peri laced chappies, trumps that without question. lol

Music is absolutely the "food for my soul" - I don't just WANT it - I NEED it!

It enhances my mood (be that good or bad) - come on, we all know there is nothing better than occasionally wallowing in your own misery with some good old school emo 90's rock filling the background... truestory! #Nirvana, CountingCrows and PearlJam FTW!

But music is just as powerful in the elated moments too. It is also often a "swaying factor" - taking you from a place or space that you didn't want to be in, to one which once again gives you peace in heart and mind.

I simply cannot imagine a world without music!!


People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily! – Zig Ziglar

I am a total sucker for anything motivational and/or inspirational, I often spend a good amount of time browsing quotes online to share with followers on various other platforms so I figured why not make it a daily habit here on Steemit too :)

Despite the fact that I am a complete and utter tech junkie and I love so much about our modern world - (yes, there is a lot that I DON’T like as well… but keep up people… this is a happy hippy post), I have often considered the fact that I might have been born in the wrong era.

I have an insatiable love for anything 60’s!

So here I sit - in the 21st century, perhaps minus the bell bottoms but definitely not without the happy spirit, excessive array of colour (everywhere) and juuuuust a few gadgets to boot…he he!

Welcome to…


Until next time…

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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