Strong people need HUGS too... RockYourWorld #18


Despite popular belief, strong people have weak moments too and (here's the shocker) they too, need reassurance from time to time.

Yes, it would most likely end up looking a lot more like a Karate grappling episode due to resistance - but that does not mean that the affection of the hug or otherwise affection, isn't needed. In fact... strong people, probably need it more than most!

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People who have an innate strength of character generally spend most of their time being either A) Super Productive, B) assisting others with their issues, or C) both of the above... in my opinion it is normally C.

They seldom speak to people about what is troubling them or what stresses they are currently dealing with, and the sad and very real truth, is that few (if any) people, will bother to inquire - because... well... people are self-absorbed. True bloody story!

Strong people are there for a reason - to help others. To carry the burdens that others cannot bear to handle...

"Strong people" are always greatly appreciated and frequently sought out for problem solving, but seldom offered the same "relief" in return.

This... eventually becomes a problem... because EVERYBODY has a cracking point! and for a person who has absorbed and absorbed and ABSORBED so such a long, LOOOOONG time - the cracking point is generally not very pretty...

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All of which could be avoided, if the people who surround and make use of said "strong individual" actually offered them an ear or a shoulder from time to time... irrespective of how much they dodge the question, hop around the subject or plain play it cool... those signals do not mean, they don't truly need you!

So... in short... go and hug the pillar of strength in your life... they need it!


Trust me, it will only make them stronger!


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