The ELMYRA in ME...


“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.” ― Steve Maraboli,

A little while ago I can recall sitting in the lounge silently observing my 7 year old son and his buddy watching cartoons together on the couch. Out of nowhere, Jude suddenly launched himself in the direction of his friend, throwing his arms around him to give him a hug!

He was met with a little bit of resistance as his buddy repeatedly whined “no Jude, stop it!” As Jude continued to add more squeeeeeze to his hug – the friend resisted and whined even more, but Jude continued with “said hug”…. Clearly until he was satisfied that he had shown the appropriate amount of demonstrative appreciation to his little friend.

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I had a really good chuckle to myself after witnessing this “moment”, as I saw so much of myself in him. There were no barriers on his emotion and expression. He felt the urge to give his buddy a big fat hug and that was precisely what his buddy got… whether he wanted it or not lol.

In relation to my life and behaviour - I have always referred to this as the “Elmyra syndrome”. hehe...

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Do you remember her? You know… that cute little red headed Tiny Toons cartoon character who essentially loved all her pets to the point of complete suffocation and torment…lol. (She would be a red head too…lol)

“I am going to hug you and kiss you and love you forever.” – Elmyra Duff

I am an incredibly demonstrative person, especially when it comes to verbalising my feelings about something or someone.

When I am emotional, I am EMOTIONAL on a grand scale, whichever way it swings! This, I have found – can be VERY overwhelming for other people. Most simply don’t know how to digest it… especially if it is directed at them.

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It is not to say that it is always negatively received, but I think it often takes the person a moment to catch their breath and process what is happening or what is being said and how to respond… which can sometimes create rather awkward interims.

But - I simply do not know how to be any other way – nor would I want to be.

“You can’t know this right now, but… your ragged, rugged honesty… your crazy, passionate, naked vulnerability… your trusting plunge into the unknown of Life at every turn… your journey of love and healing… these change your world, the world of those around you and the world as a whole. Someday you’ll know how important you are.” ― Jacob Nordby

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When I feel something on an emotional level, it is highly charged and keeping it internalised just feels wrong to me on so many levels. This is especially the case when it is positive emotion… If I do not express it outwardly it literally starts burning me from the inside out – ultimately reaching a point where I feel like I am going to spontaneously combust!

When I am happy about something – REALLY HAPPY, I want to scream it from the roof tops, so… I do! I want to express and revel in every aspect of that “feeling”. I don’t want to keep it locked away in a deep dark hole… what good would that do… and what purpose would it serve there?!

When I am happy, I am happy with all my heart and soul.

When I am unhappy or angry, yeah, well…run! Haha….juuuust kidding! (mostly) lol

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Those that are similar in nature, will be able to relate to the fact that these demonstrative displays of emotion can sometimes leave you feeling like you have “foot in mouth” disease… you know, those “oops TMI” moments… and it isn’t because what you have expressed was untrue, it is simply because after the elation, you suddenly become aware of the fact that the recipient might not have been prepared for that. Awkward!

Having lived with “Elmyra syndrome” my entire life (hehehe), I have come to accept that PASSIONATE is what I do and who I am.... and THAT is OK! How other people perceive it, has nothing to do with me!

Passion is a full package - there are no half measures. It doesn’t just infiltrate certain facets of your life; it is generally visible in all aspects. It is WHO YOU ARE and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! I would far rather have the levels of passion and enthusiasm that I do than to trade them in order to be rid of the odd occasions of awkwardness…

No deal!

The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”” — Jack Kerouac

Yesterday, the same friend was visiting Jude and again they were busy watching cartoons…although this time, the friend was sitting on a separate couch (hehehe). Now, where most people would have asked “Are you cold, would you like a blanket?” - Jude simply got up, went to fetch one, stood in front of his friend, opened it up and then carefully placed it overs his legs. He is 7! How absolutely BEAUTIFUL is that! Being selective or censored about expressing his “care” towards his friend never even entered his mind… he just did it! He cared, so he showed it.

I hope that he NEVER changes and I pray that life and people’s reactions to him and his bubbling enthusiasm doesn’t diminish it either. However, I remain optimistic, as despite all the knocks and bumps I have encountered, my levels of guttural emotional enthusiasm have never wavered… and the apple definitely didn’t fall far from this tree. lol

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We should NEVER be afraid to express “who we are” and "what we feel" just because of what other people might think.

If you love them – tell them! Show them! Do whatever your heart tells you to do! And to hell with the rest of it!

Life is fleeting and honest expression should be embraced by the giver as well as appreciated by the recipient. Don’t ever let ANYBODY dull your spirit and enthusiasm… without it, there is no purpose to your life.

Not only is passionate expression important in a healthy maintenance of emotion, but it is also the fundamental key to “making things happen” in life. When you give something your attention with highly charged emotion, you are showing your “intent and will” for “it” to materialise. You are literally throwing your energy at it.

So whether it is telling somebody how you feel, showing gratitude to someone or focusing on a goal that you wish to achieve… don’t ever be afraid to do it with uninhibited, passionate enthusiasm…. Elmyra Style hehehe ;)

So, on that note Steemit friends… I just want to tell you that I am going to hug you and kiss you and love you forever… hehehe ;)

Until next time…

Much love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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