Meditation Will Improve Your Life

Daily meditation changes your brain! 

I can't get enough of writing on this platform, it's insanely fun. I think I've found the area I'd like to concentrate on. Which is life/love/self improvement/positivity and thought provoking matters! Things that matter in life. Anyway on to Meditation! 

Think about this, if you could reduce your levels of stress, improve your ability to concentrate and increase your productivity, increase your moment by moment awareness how much better would your life be? How much more could you get done? 

I've been meditating now for 10 years. Now, you probably imagine me sitting there in my monk like robe, losing myself into a blissful world of nothingnesses. But that is quite the opposite. I simply meditate for short bursts throughout my day, when time affords me the ability to do so. 

And the effects are profound. 

I'm going to give you a break down of two meditations that I do on a daily basis. They are both simple and they both only need about 10 minutes of your time to do them. 

Counting Breaths

This is so easy to do, simply close your eyes, sit in a comfortable up right position, cross legged if you can or if not on a chair is perfectly fine with your feet firmly on the ground. 

Simply count your breathes, in = 1 , out = 2. Count to 10 and then restart from 1 again. 

This not only gets you present with your body and also focussed on concentrating on your life source! It helps you improve your concentration. Now what's really important here is when you do this particularly when starting out. Your mind will wander, it will go off to other things that need your attention. But, when it does simply bring it back to your breath each time and start again. 

Over time your concentration will improve and your ability to just sit with your breathe will improve. 

Walking Meditation

This one is simply a variation of the above meditation. But, with an added element. We simply add walking to the task. 

This gets you present with your body in a new way and it stimulates in you differently. However, it allows your body to part of the meditation. Therefore, working your body and mind in perfect harmony. 

Add these into your daily routine and I promise you will feel like a completely new person. You will be less stressed, more switched on and more capable to handle lifes challenges. 

If the above meditation is difficult for you and you wish to have some help. I'd suggest downloading a great app called Head Space 

It is literally 10 minute meditations - which I recommend you start your day with. 

If you want some more science behind the above thoughts and recommendations. Check out the below article:

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