Teetering on a farewell

This is not a cry for help. This isn't even a note that could serve as a warning that I'm about to do any physical harm. Heck, no one might even get to read this. I'm just posting this for the purpose of catharsis.

I love writing. Speaking isn't exactly my strong suit, so writing came naturally. I love how words play off each other, and how different languages have different rules to follow. I'm not a native English speaker, but I really do try to follow the rules of proper writing in English as much as I can. Anyway, I digress. On to my point.

I wrote a post a few hours ago that dealt with my insecurities of being ignored and forgotten. Other social media have only heightened my anxiety to a whole different level. So, that post was the call for help, hoping to hear some insights from people on both sides of the equation. Sadly, as of writing, it had been largely ignored (2 votes, 0 comments).

When I first started, I had thought Steemit was a place of equal opportunity. A place where the little guy made us much of an impact as, what are now dubbed, whales. I thought this community was going to be something special, something different. Maybe it is, it just so happens that even through countless attempts, I have failed to make a dent.

I tried to write posts that promote interaction and foster inclusion, all but one didn't get many upvotes, but the whole attempt largely failed. I commented with thoughtful insights on other people's posts, but most were ignored and unappreciated. I interacted on chat, following the rules and not even spamming my promotions, but that ended quite abruptly.

I vote on interesting entries and comments hoping to bring success to others, and I feel genuinely happy for those people who do achieve it. All I want is for everyone to be included, give everyone a feeling that we're all in this together. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe everyone else is being included. It just so happens that I'm not.

This is not a self-pity post, more of an expression of disappointment. I just have a few more posts I want to put up and then I'm powering down. Since this post would be largely ignored anyway, it wouldn't even matter.

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