A Jeezzle Movie Review: The Wraith.

If you've ever seen any of my movie reviews then you know that I love 80s movies.

I just can't get enough of them.

The Wraith is a bit different than your standard 80s movie, but it's still awesome in it's own right.

Source: Imdb.com

Coming out in 1986 The Wraith falls right in the middle of the decade.

It's creepy, fun, kitschy and a bit of the thriller.

Also, even though it manages to be a far out 80s movie there's still plenty of death and destruction.

If you were to base it on the title alone you might think that this is a superhero movie....... and it almost kind of is, but really it's a revenge movie more than anything else.

The Wraith is Revenge before The Crow came out.

Who's in it?

In my mind there only 3 notable actors in the movie The Wraith.

Considering that this is an 80s movie that's odd in and of itself.

The first notable character is of course Charlie Sheen.

He plays the character of The Wraith.

It's interesting to see a young normal Charlie Sheen several years before his very first legal troubles began.

He seems very much like a young Tom Cruise at this point except for the voice.

The second notable character here is Randy Quaid.

Most of us older people might recognize Randy Quaid from such movies as National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

In that movie he played the annoying cousin who was also a wacko and Randy Quaid did actually turn out to be somewhat of a wacko in real life if you follow and believe the news.

However, Randy Quaid is totally normal in this movie as the sheriff named Loomis.

The third notable character is the best one yet.

It's none other than Ron Howard's brother Clint Howard.

He plays a character called Rughead but he is probably the most normal that I've ever seen him.

In most movies that I've seen he plays some really strange eccentric guy and I've always assumed that he was such a person.

However, in this movie Charlie Sheen, Randy Quaid, and Clint Howard are all as normal as the day is long.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone that is The Wraith.

What's the plot?

You remember earlier that I mentioned that this was a revenge movie?

Perhaps you also remember that I said this movie was sort of like a precursor to The Crow.

Well both of those statements are absolutely correct.

A group of street thugs has been racing people for their pink slips....... however they are also cheaters.

In order to get your car they will make sure they do whatever it takes to win and that includes cheating and murdering people.

They also push women around and beat up on people and basically do whatever they want while the sheriff kind of stands around and tries to do something about it but is almost helpless.

As it turns out one of the boys that is murdered comes back to life and for some reason is driving an incredible car.

That car turns out to be the Dodge M4S...... a prototype high performance car built by Dodge in 1984 to demonstrate their new technology.

In real life the Dodge M4S has a top speed of nearly 200 miles per hour and can do 0 to 60 in just over 4 seconds.

The movie did not downplay the Dodge M4S and kept it as an incredible car that the street thugs could not catch or beat although it never actually had a label on it it and was just sort of thought as the unknown car with the unknown driver.

One by one the street thugs are challenged to a race by this car and then they are killed by the same car.

As you can tell it is almost exactly the same plot as The Crow except that there is no crow.

If you're a fan of 80s movies you should add this one to your list because it's got all the right key elements and also some unexpected ones as well.

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