Do you have a cat that never stops meowing?

Four weeks ago my cat did not know how to meow. Now she never stops.

This is my cat.

She is a white Bengal kitten.

I've only ever known one other Bengal cat and it was pretty aggressive although it was a nice cat.

My cat is not aggressive, she's actually quite timid.

I think it might be because ever since she has been a little baby kitten she has been around our Boston Terrier and he is one of the most timid dogs I've ever met.

He never barks or makes any noise and he is constantly just watching you instead of doing anything.

For the record we got our Boston Terrier from a rescue shelter and he was timid like that when we got him. We pet him and love on him and give him affection all day. It's just how he is.

I think she might have picked up some habits from him.

For a long time I thought either she wasn't capable of meowing, or she had learned from the Boston Terrier that it's better just not to make any noise at all.

Then one day a few weeks back she started chirping like a bird once in awhile.

That was the beginning of her learning how to meow.

It sounds cute........... and it is cute.

However, now she never stops.

From the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes back to sleep.

Meow.... Meow.... Meow.... Meow....

Never ending.

In fact the only thing that makes her stop at all is if I tap my foot for a second which causes her to run away for a minute, but then she immediately returns and meows some more.

My friend says that it's because she is part Siamese.

I'm not so sure about that but I hope that she is just going through a phase because she's becoming quite difficult to live with.

Do you have a cat that never stops meowing?

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