Do you know one lazy person that everyone hates to work with?

If not, then perhaps you are that lazy person.

Kidding, kidding.

We have a lazy guy like that at my job.

Everyone likes the guy, he just doesn't work hard.


Of course, that means everyone else has to work harder.

Working at a busy restaurant means you don't have really any downtime.

Nevertheless some people will attempt to come in at 10:00 and then be in the bathroom until 10:30 instead of doing any of their opening duties.

The particular lazy gentleman in question is called Ramiro and he often disappears in the bathroom.

He will sometimes whisper to the host not to seat him.

He will spend an inordinate amount of time talking to his guests instead of running hot food.

You might even find him out back by the dumpster smoking a cigarette.

Now the restaurant business is not a stickler for anything.

You can be late like once a week and not hear anything about it.

Your clothes don't always have to look perfect.

If you come to work with an attitude you can probably get away with it.

The problem though is the other people you have to work with.


You see........ if you aren't there to greet your table or to pre bus it then that means your room buddy will have to do the work for you.

If you see some guests come in the door and there's no one there to greet them but you just walk away then that means that somebody else has to greet them.

So laziness backfires and creates enemies.

Do you know one lazy person that everyone hates to work with?

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