Do you prefer the old Doctor Who or the new Doctor Who?

Personally I am partial to the old Doctor Who and I think the very best doctor was played by Tom Baker.

I can remember countless nights when I was a kid staying up late to watch it.

The theme song still sticks in my head.

There weren't that many shows on TV for a kid to watch back then.

Especially when talking about late night TV. When you're talking about late night TV back and you don't have cable, then you're essentially talking about PBS.

That meant Doctor Who and a couple of other comedy shows.

I'm a Sci Fi buff so I loved Doctor Who.


There is just something about Tom Baker's really long scarf.

Not to mention the fact that Romana, played by Lalla Ward, is probably the most interesting and attractive of any of the Doctor's Assistants.

Now don't give me wrong....... I also like the new Doctor Who.

Especially the one's played by David Tennant and Matt Smith.

Having said that they just don't compare to the old story lines.

There's something about being on an old abandoned space station when you're watching the old ones that makes it seem like a more realistically old and abandoned Space Station.

The newer ones are cool but they just don't do it for me the way the old ones do.

Do you prefer the old Doctor Who or the new Doctor Who?

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