Have you ever learned any dumb habits from somebody else?

Sometimes you meet someone that has a habit and you think "How dumb is that?" but then you go and pick that habit up.

The most obvious example would be smoking. Anyone who started smoking likely picked it up from somebody else.

I started smoking when I was 16 years old. I thought it would make me popular and also get me laid.

Both of those things were true.

Fortunately I was able to quit smoking by the time I was about 23.

I still have high school friends who smoke today 20 years later.

Smoking isn't the only thing I'm talking about though.

There are a lot of dumb habits we pick up from other people.

The best example that I can think of is something that occurred to me this morning.

I had a girlfriend for several years that would spend a great deal of time in the bathroom in the morning.

One day I went in there and found she was brushing her teeth.

I noticed that she did this quite often so I asked her about it.

She told me that she always brushed her teeth twice.

The first time got most of the gunk out of your mouth.

The second time was for the shine and it really made your teeth feel clean.

"What? That's just a waste of toothpaste." I thought.

Then one day I decided to try it.

Fourteen years later I am still brushing my teeth twice.

I brush my teeth once and then I rinse my mouth.

I then put more toothpaste on the toothbrush and brush my teeth again and then rinse my mouth out again.

It's dumb and it makes no sense but it does make your mouth feel clean.

An expensive habit that I wish I hadn't picked up.

Do you have any dumb habits that you learned from somebody else?

Follow me @jeezzle

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