Have you ever tried a Moscow Mule?

They give a little kick but it's a fun ride.

Our restaurant uses these really cool little copper mugs that look like something that Benjamin Franklin might have drunk out of.

They really have that old fashioned old timey look to them.

A Moscow Mule is a really simple drink.

These days a lot of people like ginger beer.

The first time I tried ginger beer was probably about 10 years ago.

I think ginger beer is really tasty but you can only drink a couple.

That's because ginger beer tastes really strong.

Ginger beer is basically ginger ale's big strong cousin that tastes about 20 times more like ginger than ginger ale does.

It kind of tastes like somebody took an actual big piece of ginger and shoved in a ginger ale then shook it up.

A Moscow Mule is made with....

Ginger Beer
Fresh lime juice

It is then garnished with a lime and placed in a small copper mug.


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