Top 3 points of contention between roommates.

Living with roommates is hard although it's a great way to save money.

I have listed here the top three points of contention that I personally experience with my two roommates.

1. The Air Conditioning.

I bet this one is a surprise to you.

I have to admit I find it surprising, but not everyone likes their air to be at the same temperature.

You would assume that everyone likes a nice cool breeze in their house that makes you feel comfortable.

Not too cold and not too hot.

On the other hand you don't want to run the bill up because we all pay in on it.

Our house is comfortable and cool at 78 degrees and that is the temperature I always set it at when I get home from work.

The other roommate comes home for a few minutes before he leaves to go work on his other business.

Before he leaves he will sneakily change it to 82 degrees. I tend to notice it's very hot and then realized what happened and become mildly agitated.

I think he wants to save money.

The third roommate will come home late from his job downtown and set the temperature very low at like 60 degrees.

I'm usually in bed and so is the second roommate so we wake up in the middle of the night absolutely freezing.

The second roommate then gets up at 6 in the morning freezing and sets the temperature at 84 degrees before he leaves.

As you can see it's a complete mess.

2. Noise

This one is obvious and I suspect everyone has to deal with it.

Human beings make noise and there is no way to avoid that.

Especially when you have three men living together and each of them works all the time.

No one wants to come home and have to keep quiet after working for someone else all day.

To be honest we all do respect each other most of the time.

None of us listen to loud music very often and since we all work in the morning we all go to bed at a reasonable hour.

However, once in a blue moon I will wake up to a very loud movie that is caught on the repeating title screen.

It's incredibly annoying but you can't really avoid something like the topic of noise when dealing with other people.

The Kitchen.

I suspect that the kitchen is probably the number one point of contention between most roommates.

For us it's not that big of a deal but it's also not perfect.

I love food and I cook every single night.

My mother taught me how to cook when I was little and I love experimenting with different cuisines.

It's also much cheaper to cook food then it is to buy fast food or go out to eat.

The second roommate doesn't cook.

Since he's usually on the go he picks up a rotisserie chicken and makes a sandwich.

He does this pretty much every day.

The third roomate, however, makes a huge mess every night.

If I hang a trash bag on the door the next day it will be full of disgusting food trash.

If I buy a fresh soap dispenser the next day the soap is half gone.

I must say though that I have had worse roommates.

Sometimes you just have get along.

These are the three points of contention that we face.

Follow me @jeezzle

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