What kind of person leaves a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot?

Have you ever gone out to your car after a long day of shopping and noticed a shopping cart sitting right next to it?

That happened to me just today.

It really got me thinking.

What kind of person just leaves a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot?

I'm done shopping so I'll just leave this here.

I guess the person who did this would have to be thinking "OK I've just loaded my groceries into my car.....no time to put this up though."

After that they would get in their car and just drive away.

I don't think many people would do this.

Still it amazes me that anyone would be so bold and rude about the environment.

It's just laziness really if you think about it.

I mean......... look at this.

This return cart area is about 10 feet away from that cart.

That cart is about 2 feet from my car and could easily have run into it.

Rodney Dangerfield would say "No respect....... No respect."

Somewhere someone is teaching their kids bad manners and bad rules to live by.

The other day at work my friend who literally just bought his very first new car 2 months ago was complaining about a new dent in it.

He had gone to the movies to enjoy a nice night out after working every day for two weeks straight and when he got out to his car there was a fresh little dent in it that looked like it had been kicked or hit by something.

He told me he wondered if somebody had punched or kicked his car because they were mad at him for some reason.

It seems much more likely that it was a random shopping cart or somebody that just didn't have any respect for the environment like this particular person whoever they might have been.

What kind of person leaves a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot?

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