Why did this woman stalk me throughout Walmart today?

It all began near the potato aisle. An older woman began talking to me about prices.

Walmart is huge and full of people. Today was especially busy, being that it was Friday.

There were people literally everywhere in this Walmart near my job.

However I encountered this same woman on at least half a dozen separate occasions during my thirty minute visit and she attempted to engage me in conversation every time.

I'm standing in the potato aisle. I noticed that the Russet potatoes were priced at $1.28 each. Not per pound.

When she saw me looking at the price she immediately said....

"I know I couldn't believe that price either. I'm pretty sure they mean per pound and not each though" and then she sort of cackled.

I laughed and went on my way.

I then walked all the way to the back of the store. They have a pastry clearance aisle back there and you can sometimes get great deals on bread, donuts, and pastries. Picking up a box of chocolate donuts with sprinkles on them I heard a familiar voice say....

"Great choice...... those donuts look delicious."

Same woman.

I smiled and went on my way again.

I then went to check out computer monitors because I'm thinking of upgrading to a larger size. After checking out two or three units I heard the woman's voice say....

"That one looks really sharp and clear doesn't it?"

I wanted to ask her.......... do I know you? But I knew that I didn't.

While shopping for a larger fan due to the extreme heat lately, an aisle on the other side of giant store, she again approached me.

"I didn't intend to buy this many groceries." She chuckled. I raised my eyebrow much like Spock from Star Trek.

My final trip was towards toothpaste aisle.

After a few minutes she was again standing next to me.

Try to keep in mind this is a very busy store absolutely full of people.

"I like Crest toothpaste." She smiled at me. I stared blankly at her. What is going on here?

Grabbing my toothpaste I headed towards the register and she got in line behind me. She chatted about potato chips and candy bars and the heat lately.

I think I must remind her of her own son. At least I hope that was the case because this was a very weird incident.

Walmart is a strange place though.

I hope you liked this.

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