Creating Your Own Reality, Law of Attraction, Karma and Justice

On today's "walk n' talk" from the mean streets of Acapulco, Mexico, I get into how we all, to one degree or another, create our own reality.

And, even with the reality we create, we can choose what we want to focus on and even choose how it makes us feel.

I then discussed how I don't think there really is any need for a "justice system"... or certainly not anything like the government systems today that are a force for injustice.

I discussed how karma seems to handle most issues... and people, unless they are sociopaths, will punish themselves more than most others would by living with the guilt of past wrongdoings.

And, for the sociopaths, I discuss how vigilante justice would take care of them pretty quick.

I was mostly riffing on the topic as I walked... not discussing something that I had given months of thought to. But I think a lot of good ideas came out along the way.

You can hear and see more here:

If you have any topics you'd like to see me discuss in an upcoming dog walk let me know in the comments below! And thanks for following me and upvoting!

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