How Ayahuasca Taught Me and Helped Me Get Over Some Major Issues

Many people have been following my complete transformation from an unhealthy, smoking, drinking, garbage eating, fat, toxic, stressed, depressed guy to about the opposite of that.

If you've just been following for the last few weeks or months you may not be aware of the entire transition.

It all began about two years ago when I hit rock bottom and decided I either had to kill myself or do something fairly extreme to shock myself out of my funk.

The word "ayahuasca" seemed to be calling me. I kept hearing about it and was naturally drawn into looking into it.

I ended up doing it twice and even though I didn't fully recognize it at the time it gave me the knowledge and the healing I needed to move on to the next progression of my healing... which was iboga.

You can hear all about my experience here:

In an upcoming post here on Steemit I'll go into my experience with iboga which was absolutely insane.

Follow me here on Steemit, @jeffberwick , so you don't miss it!

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