The Second Best Way to Earn Money Starting from $0 Online!

With posting on Steemit being the best way to start earning money online from $0, what is second best? Helping our friends, family, and/or the people we follow online appears to be the most effective based on looking at where I have spent money in my business online in the last year! 

Will you read this post or watch the original video from YouTube to hear the entire story? 

Thank you very much to @gmichelbkk for converting the transcription of the YouTube video from GoTranscript into this beautiful post for Steemit, which is much faster to read than the video and has all of the highlights in screenshots! 

Take a look at my 2016 business report

I'll show you inside my own business income here from last year. 

I'm Jerry Banfield. 

Today, this is my profit and loss report from 2016. 

I'll show you my biggest single expense below, which is called "contract labor." 

That means I paid someone to do something for me.

Now, guess who received the majority of the $154,860 in contract labor payments?

The majority of that, probably $100,000 or so, was received by friends. 

Guess what? 

When I look around for someone to do something for me, I look as to what friends I have who are available to do work for me, and I'm not the only one who does this.

Hiring friends to do work online 

Have you been mad before to read or hear someone who's wealthy and/or who's written a book, or a small business owner, and it seems like their friends and family members are always making a bunch of money doing what seems to be very easy work for them? 

Well, that's how it works and whether you like it or not, one of the easiest ways to make money online is to figure out which of your friends and family members might need help that you could provide by doing something for them online. This might even be counter-intuitive, you might have a wealthy uncle who you might think that they've got their own business, but they don't need anything done online. 

If you start researching and looking at their business, you might realize, "Hey, your website or your social media is pretty bad. Would you like me to help out?" Often, you might be able to earn way more money by working for a friend or a family member helping them out, than anyone else would pay you. 


Because when I pay my friends, I don't want to low-ball my friends and pay them the very lowest I could possibly stand. I want to pay them something that both of us feel good about, and I prefer to err on the side of paying them more, because then I feel good that I've given them something to do, that I've given them what you might call employment, and I feel good about paying friends and family members more to do work for me. 

Get involved in a community and get hired 

Another way, if you look and you honestly say, "Okay Jerry, I live in this country or whatever, no one I know has any money or is doing anything and could possibly pay me." 

Okay, I realize that you might be in that position. However, lots of people, I'm guessing if you just stick with friends and family, you can find it. If you are certain there is no one you know, if you've done the research, I don't mean you just think right away, "Well, no one." 

Look, really look. 

If you find after scouring your friends and family, that no one has any money and will pay you to do anything, now here's the second biggest way I spent out both my contract labor and a significant part of my advertising budget. 

I paid freelancers online, who are enrolled in and taking my courses, who were the most helpful. I didn't pay people who were just begging for money, who were saying, "Jerry, Jerry, I want you to give me some money or give me this." 

I've hired people and still pay people to do work for me, who have been helping out, who do something useful without asking often for any payment. For example, I have a friend that he started answering a bunch of other people's questions in one of the classes I was teaching, just being really helpful answering all these questions. 

He was answering them better than I was, and I looked and said, "What can I do to get him to answer all these questions? Why don't I ask if he'll accept money in exchange for answering all these questions? Then I don't have to." 

In other words, if you show up and are really helpful in the communities you're already participating in, especially if they require a paid access to get into, you likely will find that you can work out some really good deals to do work for people then. Whereas the opposite of this is trying to just go solicit for clients, trying to cold-call, trying to send cold-emails. That tends to be a complete waste of time. I've had thousands of people send me cold-emails, complete waste of time for them, and such a complete waste of time for them and me that I don't even respond to cold-emails anymore. 

If you want to get some really good contract labor online, one of the best ways to do it can be just show up in some of these communities you're already involved in, and if you see for example that you want to help someone, but you don't even know what you're doing enough, then learn a skill you can use, and then start helping out with that, and you'll be amazed. 

Building relationships 

As a person who's paid a lot of people to help me out in my business, I'm amazed that it's consistently challenging to find people who are able to provide the help I need. At the same time, I know it's difficult then as someone who's willing to work to find someone who's willing to pay you a good wage to do it. 

This is the best of what I've found, out of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, paying people to help me with my business online, that works for you and people just like you to make the very best amount of money with the least amount of struggle and effort. 

Did you notice anything in what I said requires sending out resumes? 

No, it doesn't. 

You get to know people. You build deeper relationships in your life in the communities you are already a part of. Perhaps seek out a new community here and there, and you will find you get more opportunities than you ever imagined. 

I'm very grateful I have this information to share today. This is my first of a shorter tutorial video to just give you one little lesson I hope is really helpful, and to do it in 10 minutes or less. 

Thank you very much for reading. 

I hope you have a wonderful day today. 

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Jerry Banfield 

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