Wonderful Weapons of History (The Mystic Hammer)

Fuente: https://vidacotidianitica.blogspot.com.ar/2015/05/el-martillo-de-thor-la-ciencia-de-los.html

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with the reading of my post. We have arrived to the day of legendary weapons, This is the third material that I publish on this genre, publish a post of the sword of Excalibur, another one of the sword of Kusanagi if you have lost these publications I leave the link so that you can accede to they


I do not know the customs of their countries, in Argentina on Fridays are days of chopped cold meats, cheeses, pizzas, a good glass of beers or fernet and as a gold clasp a good Celtic film with lots of action, swords and shields, from there arises the idea To publish the post of legendary weapons.

Today I want to share with you the legend of "Mjolnir the Hammer of Thor", surfing the web I cross with this beautiful legend, speaks of one of the legendary weapons best known throughout history, a beautiful story that begins well.

Fuente: https://www.unocero.com/2015/10/14/el-martillo-de-thor-ya-es-real-y-solo-este-hombre-puede-levantarlo/

This powerful legendary weapon called "Mjolnir" better known as "Thor's hammer" was the most respected and feared weapon in the time of the "Æsir gods" of the boreal cosmogony, in many writings it figures as an "ax or a club" The weapon most used to defend and defeat all the pagans who opposed the preponderance of the gods.

There are several versions of the origin of the hammer, one of the cases, is the story that is told in the "Skáldskaparmál" where he claims that it was forged in a community of dwarfs, those responsible for building it were the known "dwarves Sindri and Brok" "forged "With their own hands and delivered as a gift to" Thor "

Of all the stories that exist, they all coincide in the name "Mjolnir" its name says it all, it means destroyer, not for nothing was the most feared weapon of the time, a powerful and mystical weapon, full of magical superstitions, That he might pawn it, being able to administer its power from an insignificant blow to a powerful blow that could destroy the stones of the hills.


A powerful and magical weapon, with the ability to mutate into an insignificant little tool to go unnoticed or enlarge to become a lethal weapon in battles, so powerful that at one stroke it caused deafening thunder and devastating lightning.

Another great power that possessed this weapon was its búmeran effect, that could be used to strike at a distance, the one that wielded it could throw to its adversary giving a mortal blow and the weapon resumed to the hands of its warrior.

The power of this mystical weapon is bestowed by the little brothers "Sindri and Brok" in their forging, this is described in his writings "Snorri Sturluson in the prosaic Edda" quotes the conversation of some of the dwarves "Brok" with "Thor" when He gives it to him and mentions all the attributes that the weapon has, encourages him to use the weapon in any battle, which could hit as hard as they wanted, destroy anything that would hit him, throw him to give a Blow away that the hammer would return to his hands, he could hide it inside his clothes because he would become small.

Fuente: http://ayayay.tv/video-esta-genial-broma-trae-el-martillo-de-thor-al-mundo-real/

There are endless legends of the battles of "Thor God" and his legendary weapon, one of them is the fight with Thor with the colossus "Hrungnir" this titan had a particularity, his "head and shield were stone" weapon Used a huge rock, in the middle of the fight hits the huge stone against the "Mjolnir" of "Thor" and pulverizes taking advantage of the situation, Thor strikes a hammer in the head of the colossus falling dead to the ground.

Another one of the legends in battle of "Thor" is the one that book against a colossus that had been wanted to obtain by means of lies to "Freya" "Thor" warned by the gods it goes quickly and it faces the colossus and of a single blow it destroys The titan's head.

Another apologist for the battles of Thor and his legendary hammer, is when he faces the water "snake" "Midgard, Jörmungandr" "Thor" prepares a bait to fish the snake, using fishing lines and a large cow head As a bait, to bite the "snake" is brought by "Thor" to the surface, shortly to hit him with the hammer, the "snake" disengages to return to the waters, there uses his hammer as a flying weapon striking a hard blow in The head of the serpent, this situation served to verify how his powerful "Mjolnir" resumed to his hands.

There are many writings of the constant battles that "Thor" and his powerful "hammer" this weapon was the favorite of "Thor" because of the great fear that caused in his opponents, with him he had destroyed many heads of colossi and this was of knowledge In every town, every titan who faced "Thor" knew that would be the last thing he would do in his life.

Another virtue possessed by this weapon was the power to grant life, this gift "Thor" used it intelligently, God's chariot was drawn by rams, when hunted down hunger killed their kids and consumed their meats, then Took the "Hammer Mjolnir" and returned the life to his kids.

This powerful weapon accompanies Thor and his family even after his death, at the death of God, his sons called "Móði and Magni" inherited the mystic "Mjolnir Hammer".

Fuente: https://www.melty.es/thor-3-ragnarok-hela-y-loki-seran-los-villanos-que-destruiran-el-martillo-de-thor-a175910.html

In this way we arrive at the end of another Friday of action, with this beautiful material of the "hammer of Thor", I hope it was to your liking and we meet again next Friday to read another accounts of legendary weapons.

Enjoy your pizzas, your good glass of beer, fernet or why not a good glass of champagne, health

Fuente: https://munchies.vice.com/es/article/como-abrir-una-botella-de-champana-con-una-espada-sin-cortarse-el-brazo

Fuente: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mjolnir

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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