Never Look Back!


I've said and done plenty of stupid things in my life (haven't we all?).

I've made less than perfect decisions and gone charging down paths in life where I had no business being.

I've made promises to myself and broken them. Time and time again.


None of this matters.

Not now.

Not today.

I'm not going to spin the usual BS of not having regrets. Because I don't believe we should deny ourselves any emotions. Emotions are messages from our inner selves. Sign posts that show us whether we're heading in the right direction or not. Telling yourself not to feel something is like telling the wind not to blow.

If you regret something, good!
Learn from it. Change because of it. Don't make the same mistake twice.

If you've had a crappy day, good!
Learn from it. Change because of it. Don't make the same mistake twice.

If you've failed at something, good!
Learn from it. Change because of it. Don't make the same mistake twice.

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. ~ Henry David Thoreau

So, I'd love to hear from you...

Tell me what you've failed at and, most importantly, why this is was a GOOD thing!

[photo by @johleen]

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