My 6yr Old Daughters Debut Music Video and Original Song

A little story about how this song came to be:

So this song got started 2 years ago when Violet was 4. I had this instrumental I was making (for myself) and she came in
my office where I was playing it, and started dancing and singing. I asked her if she'd like to record some singing on the mic, and she did a few takes right there.

After about 15 minutes she was done with recording time and went back to playing. I went through the takes, looking for any catchy melodies or rhythms and found the hook & Pre-hook. "It's my favorite day"...Few hours later, with some pitch shifts, time splices, rearrangements, etc she had a catchy hook and pre-hook.

I played it for her the next day on her way to daycare, and she loved it so much, BUT we never went back and finished the song with verses :(....2 years later, I was going through my old computer where this song was, and asked her if she wanted to finish about an hour later, we finished the song and then I started planning out the music video. We shot it the next day, and I edited that night.

The first edit was just her at her current age, and I felt like something was missing, so I went through my harddrive that has a vault of old home movies and playtime videos we've made that I've never released. (over 400 days worth from 2012-2018, ranging from random cell phone videos, to multi hour playtimes with princesses from age 2-6. As I was scouring the random, unorganized folder of old videos, a bit of OCD hit me wanting them to be organized by day, so I could just pick a day and see what we did. Time became irrelevant, as I clicked, typed, dragged, click typed dragged, drag, click, click type type type get the point. Like I said over 400 days of footage, and each one needing its own folder. So now I have 6 folders by year, and the rest by dates with some actually have small descriptions of what happened on that day, I started doing later on in my archival habits.

After a few more days of digging through old videos, I finally found ones that fit the vibe. Here is the result - Favorite Day Album Cover.jpg

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