Happy left handed day to all left handed Steemians

I was born lefthanded, and no big deal you may say?
And it's not until you try to write with graphite pencil in primary school.. And everyone have so clean and neat papers, except yours, messy and covered with graphite shades. So teacher is taking you as example of untidiness. Yes it's rude but it's how to it's been.


On the other hand my parents have been reasonable persons, meaning not trying to make a right handed person of me.
Don't know practice in other countries, but here for long time, being a left handed was considered like being sick.
Even after II WW left handed children were being thought to write with right hand, no other way around.
In research from Psihology written on second year of my college about left hand children, I came across some interesting details.

Like, in religious scenes bad was always represented on the left, or if you try to correct children to write with right hand, many of them may have problem with speaking, they even may pee in bed during the night. I'm not scientist and don't want to go there, like story about brain parts and some researches claiming 40% of Schizophrenic patients are left handed..

But just imagine what was happening trying to correct something nature already did?

And than we have other joys of life...
Do you know that scissors are made for right hand, if you give me regular small thincan opener I will die of hunger since it's made for right handed.
Here we prepare coffee in a way it's done in Turkey, and we sort of cook it in something called dzezva. If I poure coffee from it I have to do it with right hand. It's also made for 90% percent of population. 10% are other... Lefthanded ☺


Once I got scissors for lefthanded and I took it to an old man, sharpening all sort of stuff, among others scissors. First he was confused seing them, and he sharpened them the way I can't use them anymore.


It challenging being opposite from majority of world in some staff, but we are used to, aren't we?
So are there any of you among Steemit community, how many of us are here?

And yes, Happy Lefthanded day to all of us!


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