Thoughts from the Balcony: A Beetle Carcass, Legos, and a Weekend of Enjoyment.


Well, I was supposed to be sleeping now.

As usual, when I have that idea (that I am going to get a long, full night's rest) it doesn't work out that way. Lots to do. Lots to think about. And as such, here I am on the blockchain, dear reader, conveying my thoughts to you.

With a big move coming up, and tax season upon us, the stresses of life in modern civilization have lended themselves to me smoking a cigarette on the balcony at 3 AM, thinking about the days immediately before me.

My loving wife, @mslight2016st, has been working her buns off taking care of the myriad things to be done on the home front, and making sure our son is entertained and not simply zombifying 24/7 in front of YouTube videos in our small apartment. She needs a break. To that end, my boy and I will be heading to Tokyo tomorrow (and maybe Sunday) to relax and check out Legoland (a mini-Lego amusement park in the city) and enjoy some quality time together.

The cold, diamond stars and an old, cold, beetle husk.

Out on the balcony I was reminded of our receipt of a couple large beetles this summer, from one of my son's friends. Keeping stag beetles as pets is kind of a "thing" here in Japan, and we were given a couple in a small plastic enclosure last year. We had purchased some bedding and food for them at the local department store, but they didn't last long at all. I think they were already nearing the end when we had received them in the waning days of late summer.

It may seem strange, but the last beetle to die has popped in and out of my thoughts semi-frequently since then. I morbidly wonder what "his" carcass looks like (thought I don't check anymore), and half-heartedly make mental plans to dispose of the contents of the small enclosure. A mini reminder of the conclusion on this earthly plane that will come to us all at some point. Tonight, seeing stars twinkling ever-distant in the vast space of the black night sky, and the small plastic terrarium on the balcony at my feet in the frigid weather, was a strange reminder that in so many ways, "this is it," and that we should be enjoying our lives and those we love and cherish around us as much as humanly possible while we are still animated and ever-so-present!

I really need to hit the hay.

Looking forward to posting from Tokyo and showing you guys what Lego Land is all about. Now, though, I need to rest my still vibrant, animated, and grateful "beetle carcass" and prepare for the weekend ahead. Thanks as always for reading, guys, and enjoy your weekend!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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