9 interesting things that we don't know about your own brain

Men with trained brains are sick less often and live longer.

We all know that the brain can and needs to be trained to develop. It is best to cope with this task playing music, solving mathematical or logical problems, learning foreign languages. It is scientifically proven that in the process of such training, the substance of the brain increases in volume and he begins to work more efficiently. But the beauty here is not only that so we can become smarter and smarter. The brain is not only consciousness and mind. The brain controls all the processes in the body: blood pressure, electrolyte balance, ratio of potassium and calcium and much, much more. accordingly, a better trained brain controls the body, responds faster to any changes. Conducted special studies that have proven that people with higher IQ's live longer and are sick less often.

The human brain can be vastly more complex than the universe itself.

Modern methods of diagnosis and measurement devices have reached very high precision, which allows you to look into the deepest corners of the human brain. Absolutely it is precisely known that in the brain of the average person more than a trillion neurons. This is a really huge number. But by themselves, neurons are practically nothing without the connections between them. These connections determine how effective our brain responsible for our short and long term memory, and indeed for everything. So most of these connections between neurons in the brain of an ordinary man more than elementary particles in the Universe.

To say "my brain" is not right, because he's probably not our but your own.

Were conducted, in which the person placed in the scanner, were given simple tasks. The results of these studies has proved so surprising that at first the scientists themselves refused to believe in them. The fact that judging by the activity, which was recorded in the MRI scanner, since the decision by the brain until the person gave the answer took a few seconds. For the propagation speed of nerve impulses is very much, that is, to write it off on simple delay did not work. It turns out that even for a few seconds before we give the answer to some problem, the brain alone has already made a decision about what response to give. But what is even more astounding, after that the brain sends to the person a special impetus, something like: "don't worry, your decision exclusively on your own."

And whether we?

Alcoholics, of course, people are mostly anti-social and generally of little use, but one of the issues of studying the brain, they were able to really help scientists. Thus, in the process of studies of hallucinations people with delirium tremens, it turned out that they not only see and hear those "devils" that they see, but also feel and, most striking, even smell it. Imagine a cruel joke played to them, and dreams with all of our brain? These hallucinary experience a whole range of feelings that do not allow them to doubt that their hallucinations are real. Similarly, we can see, hear, touch and smell, for example, the cat in the room or other people on the street. Where is the guarantee that they really exist and are not just a quirk of our brain? Then you can argue that cat and people on the street see, but "devils" is only one particular alcoholic. But no, there is evidence that several people can experience the same hallucination at the same time.

Do you not know how to read, but to be a genius.

Following the standards of our education system, we are accustomed to the fact that if a person bad reads, bad writes and not able to establish social ties, then it is likely low intelligence. But this is not necessarily so. Moreover, examples to the contrary and in history, and in science more abundantly. There are people who are extremely difficult to read, making 40 errors per page when writing, but it can easily solve complex mathematical equations and peremeshayte in mind the six figures. One of these was a well-known Einstein, who is very poorly in school and had great difficulty with reading and writing.

Consciousness is not only in humans.

We, the people themselves called themselves the crown of creation. We are the most intelligent creatures on Earth, but not the only. Modern methods of brain research allow scientists to talk about the fact that some higher animals too have consciousness, that is awareness of self. It is exactly what the dolphins did all the whales, great apes, elephants, it seems that there are at corvids. Were simple experiments in which chimpanzees cheek smeared with soot, he walked to the mirror and started to wipe the cheek. That is, the animal recognizes itself in the mirror. There were some complicated experiments with scanners and other precision equipment. They show that many higher animals in varying degrees, conscious and self-aware.

The brain consumes very little power.

In the normal state, the brain consumes about 10 watts of power. This, of course, highly conditional expression. But this is about the kind of power that is needed for the brain to perform its daily tasks. In moments of higher mental activity the energy the brain can increase to 30 watts. And this despite the fact that "computation power" of our brain is comparable to the supercomputers, which consume electricity as a small town. Scientists still don't understand exactly how the brain manages such small energy. Once this problem is solved, we will have a revolution in our energy field.

The pulse velocity in different neurons is also different.

The human brain consists of different types of neurons that interact with each other and with other parts of the body. So depending on what type of neuron, the information that is the nerve impulse it may go at different speeds. And often these speeds differ significantly. For example, there are neurons where information moves with a speed of 1.5 km/h and is such on which it literally "flies" with a speed of 440 km/h. And this is a very important indicator, because the axons (the processes of neurons that form of communication), the human brain can be up to 161 000 kilometers.

The brain is always running at 100 %.

And finally, a few words about a common myth, according to which our brain supposedly only uses 3, 5, 10 % of their true potential. And if you teach him to work at 100 %, you can reach unprecedented heights. In fact, it is, of course, nonsense. The brain, as we have seen, it is not only memory, thought and intelligence, the brain is the operations center management of the whole organism. And even then, when you're lying on the couch and thinking about nothing, and therefore you think that your brain is not loaded, in fact, it works 100 %. It is in the same time it controls the heart, controls breathing, and processes information coming from the senses and much, much more. Your brain is always busy.

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