Sentiment in the Debris

I can't think about everything that's left to do to help patch things up for my friends and others in my community who have lost so much. It could paralyze the strongest.

Five days ago, you needed a boat to get to my friend's parents home. Wim and Anneke are both in their 80s. I've known them for 36 years and love them as if they are my own parents. Emptying the house and sorting through the muck with Anneke is filled with sentiment. Everything has a story and listening to the stories as we work is just as important as the work itself.

Here are a few profound images that I captured from different debris piles.

Stuffed animals

I can only imagine the care and love by the child or children who owned these stuffed animals. I am sure the stuffed toys had their place on the bed when the house was a home. I found it profound that they were not left in an undignified pile or in a bag, but in their place of honor, on the bed.

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Next door to the stuffed toys, the life-size cutout of Deadpool was in disbelief.

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Tiny green wooden chairs

For Anneke, the 3 green chairs that she's had for 50 years are priceless. My best friend, Ingrid and her 3 brothers, along with the 10 grandchildren have all sat and played as children on those chairs. Because their home was under water for over two weeks, this may be the only salvagable one.

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Much luv,


*** This post was posted using the eSteem mobile app on my Android while I lay in bed. 😆

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