I'm Having a (Never Ending?) WTF Moment

About two weeks ago I bumped into an article - a translation, actually, by Moise Guran, a well known local economist, of an article written by Tobias Stone, published in Huffington Post.
If any of you reading this speaks Romanian, here's the link to Guran's blog: http://www.biziday.ro/2016/11/14/istoria-ne-spune-ce-va-urma-dupa-brexit-si-trump/
...and for the rest of you people, here's the link to Stone's article, in English: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tobias-stone/history-tells-us-what-will-brexit-trump_b_11179774.html

I'm not a specialist, however, as a person living on this beautiful planet, I have an opinion and I'm gonna make it known here, for what it's worth.
I'll start with a couple of comments on Stone's article.

  1. "It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals." - yes, well, life is cyclical. Too bad this is true about humans being stupid, too.

  2. "we humans have a habit of going into phases of mass destruction, generally self-imposed to some extent or another."
    I don't believe that we, as humanity, have a self destruct button we need to push every now and then. I believe that we're led to this kind of events, and that this happens in sequences perfectly structured by beings who believe they have a right to control us on a global scale (the so called Elite or Illuminati). I know it's easier to throw the blame on "them", whoever they might be - I am not doing that.
    We share the blame because of our lack of lucidity, of social awareness and our lack of unity in our responses. We seem to need atrocities to happen in order to be shaken up from our social indifference (or worse - the sheep like attitude - let yourself be led without questioning where and why).
    It takes too much thinking and too much attention to notice that we do indeed live in a Matrix, so to speak. There's an ugly system leading us this or that way, according to an agenda of a few, but powerful and ruthless people.
    As soon as one distances oneself - even the tiniest bit - from the system, one begins to see the connections. But it's a tiresome process, one that forces humans to let go of the illusive idea of living a [more or less] comfortable life. So it's easier to ignore it and thus it becomes necessary for those who prefer ignorance [for all the "comfort" it brings (seriously, people?!?)] to blame those who try to spread the truth about the ugly reality of our global social life.
    It's this ignorance that allows for such dire circumstances to happen again and again.
    If one understands that the old dictum "divide et impera" ("divide and conquer") is active in every aspect of our social life on a global scale, then it's easy to begin to see things clearly. However that's another story.

  3. "They are only looking immediately around them, not at how events connect globally" - what a sorry truth.

  4. "We should be asking ourselves what our Archduke Ferdinand moment will be" - yes, I'm curious about that, too.

  5. "But based on history we are due another period of destruction, and based on history all the indicators are that we are entering one. It will come in ways we can’t see coming, and will spin out of control so fast people won’t be able to stop it. " I tend to agree with that, except that I can't agree to the idea that "we're due"; nope, we aren't due such a horrible thing, we're led to it. So call me a conspiracy theorist (although I don't construct theories, I merely observe what's going on).

  6. "We need to find a way to bridge from our closed groups to other closed groups, try to cross the ever widening social divides." Yup, that's precisely it.

How much of Stone's article is a warning and how much a justification for events to come? Oh, blame a possible 3rd world war on humanity's periodic need to self distruct. Oh, bother. I'm not buying that. What I agree with is that as long as humanity as whole is socially ignorant, it will be led by this effing "elite" anyway they chose.

...the irony is, some people I know, who live in Sweden, at the idea of a possible world war, have begun to think about moving to Australia. To be safe.
Seriously?!?! I mean, in Romania there's that blasted Deveselu military thing, with the effing missile defence system (defence, my foot!); there's another American military base at Kogalniceanu, near Constanta... we're royally screwed in case of war. Still, I don't see people in my country thinking about emigrating to Australia, despite our rather bleak prospects.

I do believe it would be a lot better if we started to think in terms of helping each other instead of making absurd plans to save our skins. Some can do more, some can do less, but united we are powerful. I'm not talking about big heroic things here, simply about actions that, at times, help save lives. Such as sharing food, giving shelter, giving some sort of comfort. The tiniest good one can do, bound to another good action and another can create a chain of events that will change things for the better.
This has happened too, and my hope is it will happen again.

(image credit: heatherrovder.wordpress.com)

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