Bucket List Challenge

This is a fun one that’s been going around, I believe started by @nomadicsoul. Thanks to sweet @saffisara for tagging me! I’ve enjoyed reading so many of these, like the ones by @enginewitty, @tattoodjay, and @derangedvisions.

Obviously you never know when you’re going to go, and I’ve done a lot in my life, feel like I’ve lived pretty fully. However, it’s good to have things to look forward to and work for, so here goes.

In Nicaragua, many years ago.

Ten Things I’d Like to Do Before I Die:

  1. The Great Canadian Road Trip. Hop in an RV with my family and drive across the country to explore the east coast of Canada.

  2. The Great American Road Trip. Take my kids in a campervan and show them all the places I love in the USA, plus discover some gems I haven’t seen yet.

  3. Spend a year (or more) in Europe. I have always wanted to explore the UK and Europe in-depth. Live in a cottage, stay in a castle, sleep in a Gypsy's caravan overlooking the sea...

  4. Take long trips to Spanish-speaking countries. I adore the language and many aspects of Hispanic cultures.

  5. Get better at speaking Spanish. (See above.) And other languages (my mother is teaching the boys Italian now, so I'm sure I'll pick some up).

  6. Meet amazing Steemians along my travels.

  7. Raise two woke gentlemen. I adore my boys, and am so grateful for them. My hope is that they will make the world a better place just by being who they are. But it takes a village. I could use your help, @saffisara… In case you ever want to move to Canada. ;)

  8. Stay in a castle and live the fairytale. Basically, give me Cinderella’s ball without the midnight curfew and the evil step-sisters. I want the gown, the dancing, the adoration, the magic. I want a night that never ends with dancing in the gardens, laughter in the halls, a lush bedchamber and a big bed.

  9. Feel confident and comfortable in my body. Part of this is in my head, and part of it is physical. It's not that I don't feel this way, precisely, but I'm working on getting better. I think the point is to just keep working on it as a daily practice. Ommm….

  10. Have one or more of my books go bestseller. I’d love for my stories to come alive in the imaginations of many, and have my books pay the way for my family to travel the world. Let the world be my children’s school, and my writing pay their tuition.



Okay, your turn. I’d love to see these fine Steemians do this challenge:


If you haven’t been nominated but want to do this challenge, go for it! Let me know so I can read your post. :)

Take care of yourself, you are a gift!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
(All photos mine unless otherwise credited.)

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

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