Don't "Wait" To Be Motivated!


I hate when people say stuff to me like "Woah! How'd you get so motivated to do that?"
Shut up. Seriously
It's not like a took a damn pill to give myself this motivation. Don't treat my self-discipline like it's some random occurrence that I didn't' work for.

If I waited until I was "motivated" to do things, I would have stopped doing a lot of things a long time ago.
It's easy to be motivated at First; You see something with an extraordinary benefit. And you desire it, The thing or hobby is brand new. So it's ultra exciting!

That's the problem

It's exciting...
Motivation is based on the law of decreasing enthusiasm.
Haven't you noticed that? Maybe with a video game. Your so excited for hours and hours. And gradually you get worn down. It's just not exciting anymore. Then eventually, you put it away. And you need the next shiny object.

This is kind of how motivation works.
I gotta admit, Coming up with an idea for my next post here on Steemit is hard sometimes. I'm not quite as "motivated" as I was when I first started! Why?
Because I got used to it, it became familiar. I have spent a ridiculous amount of time on this platform.
For many months straight posting four posts per day, Everyday. Even on weekends. While simultaneously building up my businesses.
Imagine if I had that same enthusiasm this whole time!?
Wouldn't that be harmful to people?
If we had the same enthusiasm, we did for our Mcdonalds job, ON the first day until the last day we worked.
We'd probably never quit. Our whole lives we'd stay at Mcdonalds. Which would be bad for society if you could have been successful at a more advanced job such as an Engineer.
Motivation is great, But willpower is better, And even then Willpower can still lose. You need a magical thing called a "habit."

You were motivated to lose weight. You were excited and easily went a whole week without sugar. After a while, Your enthusiasm for weight loss went down a bit. And you began to crave sugar more, So you used your willpower to successfully avoid it for another week. But your willpower is also a finite resource, Which eventually comes down to your habits...
While you successfully avoided that sugar for two weeks, You have a habit for sugar that hasn't been stopped. So you reach for that candy bar. You are later back to your daily candy bar. Because it's a habit for you to eat candy bars.

That's why sometimes smaller steps are more impactful. If you start to build a habit, You will gradually be able to do the new behavior without thinking about it.

Give a little more credit to willpower though

I'm not saying your willpower is worthless. It certainly isn't. The beauty of willpower is its easier to build up. It can be strengthened. But sometimes willpower isn't the only thing you should rely on for long-term growth.

How do you know That something is a habit?

You won't have as many emotions about it; You'll just instinctively think to do it. It becomes somewhat boring at times. It gets to the point where ignoring your urges is more difficult than just doing the habit.
I have this with brushing my teeth. If I lay in bed without doing it, My brain tells me to do it. Even if I ignore it, And try to go to sleep anyways. I can't fall asleep; My brain won't let me. Even after incredibly exhausting days, My brain still insists on it. Brushing my teeth is boring, I don't care for it.

That is a habit!

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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