Feel Sadder Now!


Sadness is in these days! Why think positive when you can be negative instead?
When you are negative, you'll fit in with all the other negative people.

You'll feel lucky to know that it's not that hard to be sad all the time. This can be achieved with a few simple steps!

NEVER Be Grateful!

Being grateful makes you look ridiculous. Why would you be thankful for anything that you have, When you can have a degree of expectation and entitlement instead?
If someone does something nice for you, Don't ever say Thank you. You DESERVED to have that done for you. This should be applied to every aspect of your life. Your family, Your friends, your workplace. Never be grateful for the job that you have, The food on your plate. Or any extra stuff that you get. Like your Steemit posts, I mean, Everyone on the entire site should upvote you. And if your payout isn't 100% of the Steem on the platform, They are ripping you off. I mean, there are so many other places where you can get paid to post.
Why? Because you deserve it! And No one else deserves it.

Don't Exercise

Do you ever see runners? Or Cyclists. Don't they look ridiculous? In their skin tight outfits. All sweaty and tired. I sure don't want to be one of those people. Especially when exercise is a waste of time. Also, it produces "happy" chemicals in your brain that will make it easier for you to be happy. So don't try and work out. When you are unhappy, it's easier to think more and more negative.
Exercise will sabotage your success.

Don't Laugh

You know when you want to say something but know you shouldn't? It's the same thing. When you feel the urge to laugh. Just swallow that laugh. And never let it out. Letting it out will make you happy and more positive, and you wouldn't want that.

Look At EVERYTHING Wrong With Your Life!

You know what the problem is with positive thinking? There is something WRONG with your life that you may be overlooking. Did a customer look at you funny? Then you should think negative for the whole day.
Don't let yourself be positive, I mean there will ALWAYS be something that sucks about your life. Hold onto that tightly so you can focus on how everyone is out to get you, And your life sucks.


Positive thinking is overrated. That is why Negativity is the new Positivity. It's in style to be negative! And it's important to fit in.

This post Is a Joke, Do the opposite of what it says.

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