Get Fired From Your Job NOW!


Just tell your Supervisor to *&$# off! Okay!?
So if they don't fire you, quit right now!

We live in a strange world right now. And it gets more and more strange.
Mcdonald's employees are being replaced by machines, And High School students are looking to get their first job, are struggling to do so.
More and more "Millenials" are worried about the lack of satisfying work they are getting from their job. And many of us are being left unfulfilled.
So many of us want to make a "difference."
But people don't realize something important...
Not all of us can make the next Amazon. Not All of us can cure cancer.
But EVERYONE makes a difference, As long as you CONTRIBUTE!
Every day I get a package, I'm grateful for those employees that made it happen. After working at UPS. You'd be amazed by how much goes into getting your package delivered. Without them, we couldn't get stuff shipped to us. I don't know about you, But UPS, FedEx, and USPS save me hundreds if not thousands of hours every year! Because I don't have to bike to the stores to get the items I need. I don't have to bike home with a 50lb bag of Rabbit food. Or last minute grocery items.

I'm grateful for all the janitors who make a HUGE difference, By disinfecting and cleaning our public places. Without them, we would get so sick!

I'm not sure why, But so many of us don't feel fulfilled at our jobs, and we beat ourselves up when we don't have that fulfillment.


I always hated working with others who hated the job. It's like, "Why are you even here." And they'd always reply it's for the money...
It's for the money....
It's for the money....

Yeah, That doesn't sound right...
You are only doing YOURSELF a favor when you stay at a job you hate. Why make your supervisor, Your company, And That potential next employee suffer.
Just quit. Or hopefully, you'll get fired.

What are the benefits of leaving your job now?

You Can Do What You Are Passionate About

We have more opportunities now than ever to follow what we are passionate about. We can start our businesses so little money. We can go into almost any field and make massive profits. People don't realize how lucky we are, And how good of time we are in right now.
If you get in now, You'll already be ahead of the game when other people get involved.

You can see what it's like to be completely independent

This is something I learned when I became self-employed. The freedom comes at a big cost.
You have to rely on yourself 100% for your paycheck.
This may not mean much; You still have to work those hours to get that pay. But when your self-employed there is a whole new dimension to it. You have to figure your ways to make money, invest the time, effort and resources into it and hope it makes enough money for you to survive.
It's amazing how resourceful you become.

You are your only limitation

Being at a job can limit you a lot. I constantly ran into problems, Concerts, and events I wanted to go to, I couldn't because I couldn't' get the day off.
If I wanted to go on vacation, Again I couldn't. Not only did my employer dictate how much I was making, But it also dictated when I could miss work. They dictated all of my time and entire schedule. When you are self-employed that decision is up to you, how much work you can output, How much money you make is determined by you, If you don't have enough time. You can hire people to help. Sadly I couldn't "Outsource" my UPS job. To Someone for a predetermined hourly wage. It sadly didn't work like that.
But I can outsource the rest of my stuff so I can build up passive income sources faster.

Soon There Won't Be Many Jobs left

If you are familiar with James Altuchers work, He says some pretty scary stuff about the future job market.
According to him, you will have two choices.

  • Freelancing
  • Entrepreneurship.
    This is something that you should think about now.
    As more and more jobs are replaced by automation. Many jobs aren't safe. I was just reading yesterday about USPS struggling to stay afloat because of UPS And FedEx. IF USPS were to go down, A lot of jobs would be lost, UPS carrying the extra volume would probably be easy for them. Also, many people aren't using USPS for smaller mail as much anymore.


Things are changing fast! And we have decisions to make. If you recently lost your job be grateful that you can start this self-employment thing sooner! It may end up paying off a lot more than you would expect in the long run.

@lauralemons Drew me !
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