Gorgeous Utah Hike, ALONE, 6 Miles

Lately, I've been a mess! My emotions have been all over the place. I'm super excited one second. The next second I feel crushed and burned out.
Last night I stopped working WAYYYY early And forced myself to go to bed.

Sometimes you need to stop what your doing and take care of yourself!

Your body and mind know what it needs, even if you don't realize it.
I haven't been able to maintain focus, And my enthusiasm has been dead.
It might be because I've been losing a lot of weight recently, I may not be getting enough food. I Also have been stressed out keeping up with my self-employed workload.

I have mixed feelings about mental illness. I've seen a lot of family members lose their minds. So I try to pay special attention to myself when I start to crumble. I don't want to "fall" into the same fate as that.

I woke up 3 hours after going to bed

Which is not that weird, I've been going to bed around 5-8:00 A.m Pulling all-nighters to get work done! I went to bed at 12:00 A.m And woke up at 3:00 A.m.

I forced myself to go for a hike!

It's kind of funny, Hiking is one of my favorite activities, Yet I had no desire to go. I sort of just forced myself. Of course, once I got up in the mountains, and I was breathing in that air, and hearing the birds chirp. I never wanted to leave.


I found a new trail which I'm excited about! It's gorgeous! Sadly though, Its quite far from the bus stop, So I have to walk along ways to get to it!
But it was worth it today! Sadly I'm a bit out of shape though. By the time I walked 3-4 blocks through the winding neighborhoods that were uphill, I got to the trail. I wasn't able to get through the whole trail Because I was tired! But hey more for another day.

Sadly photos don't do it justice.

There was a beautiful stream; It had lots of trees.
And you could easily see all the mountain ranges. Its gorgeous! The ground was still soft and wet from the rainy days. I can't wait to see that trail again later!!

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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