Great Quotes From The Millionaire Mind


After reading the book "THe Millionaire Mind" By Harv Eker, I was amazed by the wonderful quotes and insight he put into the book. In this post I'll share some more of my favorites.

"Rich people have thier money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.

If you want to be wealthy it's important to have lots of passive sources of income. Some examples would be,
Financial Instruments, Stocks, BOnds etc.

  • Business income that works for you: Such as Royalties from books, Music, software etc.

RIch people see every dollar as a "seed" that can be planted, That can be used to earned hundreds more. Which can be planted again to earn thousands more

Poor people tend to let fear stop them, While the Rich persevere.

If you are only whilling to do what is easy, Life will be hard. But if you are whiling to do what is hard, Life will be easy.

The only time you grow is when you are uncomfortable. Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you can have. In terms of happiness and success.

  • Start with an observation,
  • Adobt new attitudes as your own thinking and being.
    When you have a non supportive thought you can dismiss it. By telling it to go away In your mind.
    Replace those negative thoughts with something more positive.
    "Nothing has meaning, Other than the meaning we give it"

Being right is about holding onto your old ways of thinking If you are not constantly learning you will be left behind.
What do you guys think of these? Insightful? Do you agree?

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