Hacks To Accomplish ALL Of YOUR GOALS

Hacks To Accomplish ALL of your goals!

In life, we humans are always seeking something better: it is because we desire. In realizing these ambitions and achieving that which matters, setting goals is quintessential. But as they say, it is not the destination, but the journey that matters. Similarly, other than achieving the set goal, it is how you evolve in the process, which is essential. Therefore, yes, setting high goals is an absolute must!

Many people have a mix of dreams and so-called "Goals" but so many people fail to accomplish them. Why are they failing? Because they set goals that aren't realistic and aren't doable.

If you are a janitor and you want to become an Astronaut by next year.. That probably WONT happen no matter how hard you work.
Is it completely impossible? Probably not, Most things are possible in some strange dimension. But is it going to likely happen? Not very likely.
Now If you wanted to become an Astronaut in 10 years, That would be much more reasonable. Now you actually have to start taking action everyday to get to that goal.

So let us take a look at how to set great goals:


This is how you get started. Look within and see where you are right now; try to comprehend your current level of satisfaction with the way things are in your life, both professionally and personally. In finding the answer to this, you will look at your achievements and failures objectively, and it would be great if you do this introspection not just mentally, but pen it down at the same time.

Define your dreams, unravel your goals

After a keen introspection, you are now ready to define your dreams. The probable conclusion from the above activity will be that you are not fully satisfied with all that you have achieved. That's how we all think. So what will bring you satisfaction?
Asking yourself this question is what will lead you to define your dreams. Make a list of all that you wish to have and would want to make possible. Even if it's ridiculous, write it down.

  • I want to invent the flying car.
  • I want to make a million dollars.

Once you have defined your dreams in writing, go through this list and prioritize. Because desires can be endless, we need to check these dreams too; decide what is most important, what comes next and so on. Based on priorities, you now have a list of goals.

Form SMART goals

Each goal on your list must possess these characteristics to be a great goal:
S – Specific. You goals must not be vague, but well defined.

M – Measurable. To acknowledge achieving something, it is very important that your success, what you have attained, is measurable.

A – Attainable. You must be rational in setting your goals. They should be practical and achievable.

R – Relevant. Your goals bring you best outcomes if the focus is right; make sure they are aligned with your profession and things that you are passionate about.

T – Time-bound. Every goal, including the long-term goals, must have realistic deadlines. It often helps trigger our motivation by heightening the sense of urgency to meet the goal before the set time.

Be accountable

You need SMART goals because you can be accountable for them. Having a plan of action for achieving your goals based on priority, you will be able to keep a track on the progress you are making while also understanding what is lacking. You will be in a position to take necessary measures to get your goals on the right tract to achievement. All you need to do is stay motivated and stick with the plan to transform your goals into reality.

  • Try keeping a journal of your progress.
  • Come up with a couple of things you can do every day to get closer to those goals If you want to write a book, Write a little bit every day. Write your ideas down, DO SOMETHING EVERYDAY.
  • Look at the everyday habits of the people who have what you want.
    Do you want to be an artist? What are some of the things your favorite artist does everyday to increase his/her skill in what they do? Try it for yourself. Make it a habit. Then your goal can be achieved more easily.
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