Hacks To Manage Time Better!

Time is such a precious resource, yet we throw it away like we have an endless supply. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your 24 hour day!

Avoid Email

Email is important in many ways. But it's easy to waste a lot of time on it.
Have a designated email period that you check, And that's it. Get your email business done. And be done.
Preferably not when you first wake up either (I'm often guilty of this) Because your brain runs at peak performance within an hour of you waking up. This is why you should focus on the most important tasks first.

Don't Let Work Eat Your whole day

Cough.. Cough.. I know I've been doing this lately, But it's only temporary.
It's the whole thing I keep bringing up about "workaholic syndrome." Being a workaholic doesn't make you more productive than anyone else. In fact, Workaholics who work 24/7 are known to be less productive.
So set that timer and force yourself to get your task done.
And if you have ADHD like I do, Those kitchen timers that make that "clicking" sound, are perfect. The clicking relaxes my brain so I can go into hyperfocus on my task.
So try the timer method. Or use the POMODORO technique.

Do Time Audits

You take a notebook, Or you can print out a worksheet online. You then have to account for every hour of everyday, Do this for a few days. Also, install Rescue time for your computer. It will track how long you waste on certain things. So if you spent 5 hours on Facebook. It will let you know at the end of the week.
Do this for a few days or weeks straight; Then you can see where you are productive, and what times you tend to slack.
Maybe you can give yourself a break around that time to prevent slacking.

What drains your time and energy?

Figure out what things you hate doing, What makes you flat out miserable. Can you remove them? Can you put them last? This will help you become more productive in the long term.

Realize you can get a lot done in a half hour

We underestimate 30 minutes of time. What can you get done in that time? You can do a lot.
I can easily write a blog post in that time Or make 3-10 Tshirt designs. Don't "Throw away" those half hours. They add up so fast!

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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