Happiness Is A Practice; It's Not Automatic!

Some people are effortlessly happy, While others are always down. Why is it, that some of the happiest people, Maybe some of the poorest? Some of the most wealthy are some of the most miserable?

Happiness isn't an automatic thing; You have to train yourself to be happy. Everyone can spend all day beating themselves up and feeling negative; You are responsible for your happiness. No one else.

Practice Being Mindful

Being mindful means, Being present. Be here right now, don't focus on the future or the past. If you heavily focus on either one of those, Sometimes you can be dragged down.

Sometimes we forget to breathe and live in the moment. Feel the dirt beneath your feet. Feel the sunshine on your face. Look around you at the mountains, the grasses, The plants.

Sometimes we need to reflect on the past to improve our future; We also need to look at our future to make plans for success. But we shouldn't live in these areas forever.

Be Around Other Happy People

You are a sum of the people you spend the most time with! Make those people happy and active people, so they'll have a big impact on you.

Have Dreams

Living life with no direction can be stressful and confusing. When a huge decision comes up . you may make the wrong decision. Having dreams and long term goals, Can keep your happiness level up. Those big decisions that come up, You can make the correct decision, That will get you closer to your goals.


Happy people are often the most patient. They realize that they cannot have everything that they want immediately. Sometimes it takes a lot of waiting. When you are patient, you are more likely to get what you want. And it keeps your happiness level high because even though you don't have everything right now, you can wait for it.

Make Time For Yourself

Making time for yourself is incredibly important.
Many people are so full of obligations they don't take the time for themselves. Every day gives you at least 10 minutes, to read, write, Run, Bike ride. Just do what makes you happy. You will feel less "overwhelmed" and more calm, And happy.

Spend Money correctly

Many of us believe that owning big fancy items will make us happy. But will they?
Spending money on experiences gives you memories that you'll remember forever. Where as stuff, You tend to forget after a while, It collects dust; it clutters your life. Next time you want to spend money, Go on vacation or do something that involves a great experience.

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