How I Feel About Marijuana After Trying It!

Those school lectures certainly worked on me as a kid And a teen.
Weed is bad; Weed will make all your teeth fall out, Then you'll lose your brain cells... Then you'll die.

I became terrified of drugs and avoided them no matter what.
I would NEVER try any drugs I said!

But as I got older I started seeing new evidence that supports that weed isn't bad for you. That's when I started understanding more, That Marijuana is just a plant.


This post talks about MY own experience with weed for the first time! I didn't do any in-depth research on whether pot is healthy or harmful. I still don't know much about it, So do your research before you try it!

That's when my opinion on whether it should be legalized changed.
Especially as my views on how much involvement the government should be in our lives.
Even though I had never tried pot, I had a strong stance on it. As adults, we have a right to choose. So make it legal! Heck, Make the other drugs legal too. Because we have a right to decide. But of course, Include warning labels and what not.

It makes my blood boil that I was taught so many lies about weed in school.

I Sort Of Felt Like A Hypocrite

I had never even tried weed at all. I'm not saying I should try all the drugs to have my stance.
But it seemed silly me preaching about how it needs to be legalized when I know nothing about it.

My boyfriend and I decided to get some while we were in Colorado, Sadly it's not legal in Utah.

I Was scared

Of course, I was. We got some edibles, Some chocolates and lemon tarts. I mean they looked harmless.
But it was still freaky. We learned so much about drugs in school. Here they were in front of us.

Surprisingly, It wasn't what I expected.
When I went to Denver, I had a nasty, infected wound on my leg.
When I walked it stung. I noticed the pain was completely gone after enjoying a piece of chocolate. It completely relieved me of the pain!

My brain seemed different. I felt almost drunk, but the symptoms were less severe. I was super giggly and happy!
Then of course food sounded good! And I had a slightly dry mouth. But it encouraged me to drink water, That's a good thing right? You can never have too much water! But overall being "High" didn't feel bad. When I drink alcohol and get drunk, Which doesn't happen often. I end up feeling like crap. I regret it so much, Especially when I'm laying on the floor feeling like puking my guts out.

Weed didn't give me the crappy feeling at all!

I woke up the next morning. Feeling completely normal. No hangover, No puking, I also didn't feel like I "needed" more weed.
I felt fine! Maybe a bit dehydrated, But the same thing would happen if you ate a handful of any herb, Oregano anyone? A handful of mint?
Yeah, that sounds like it would cause dry mouth too.


Am I Going To Eat Weed Every day?

Probably not! Don't worry; I'm not going to start writing stoner posts each day LOL.
But it was great to try it! And I may occasionally have some once in a while. Although I'm still against smoking it. Unless I do more research on that. (Smoking anything sounds bad for the lungs.)

Why Isn't Alcohol Illegal?

There is a huge difference between weed and alcohol. I am surprised.
It drills in my belief that the U.S. Government doesn't give a crap about their citizens.
Cigarettes seem a lot worse than weed too. Although I'm not a smoker, I'm basing that knowledge of the people I Know who smoke.
So what gives?
Cigarettes and alcohol are legal? But they seem a lot more harmful than weed.
Sure you could argue that I do not understand the long term effects of marijuana because I only tried it over the course of a week.

But my opinion hasn't changed on one thing. It needs to be legal! Adults have the right to decide for themselves.

@lauralemons Drew me !
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