How To Deal With Rejection

Rejection will happen to us at every stage of our life, No matter how good we think we are at something. People will sometimes fail to see us the way we see ourselves. And sometimes we aren't the right fit for the other person. It could be a variety of things!

Look At What You Have In Life

Sometimes rejection can be one of the most unbearable pains.
You need to look at what you still have in life. I highly doubt that the opportunity or person consumed every aspect of your life And if it did. That could be an indication of a bigger issue.
Be grateful for what you still have in life, And focus on those things.


Don't Take It Personal

We seem to take everything personal these days; It's unhealthy and ridiculous in a lot of ways.
Don't let yourself take everything personally. Sometimes the rejection isn't directly about you. If you weren't picked for a job you wanted, Maybe someone else was more qualified. Or maybe you just weren't a good fit (In their eyes) for the company.
If you go through life taking everything personal you are in for a lot of pain and heartbreak. IT won't be worth it.

Look At What You Can Learn

Still, Avoid taking things personally but try and look at what you can learn from the situation. Could you have interviewed a bit better? Do you need to work on your neediness?
Being in a constant state of self-improvement can make you incredible. It will also prevent you from getting rejected again! But keep in mind, No matter how much improvement you do, Everyone gets rejected at times, That's why you don't take it personally.

The Pain Is Temporary

Remember this! You'll move on at some point. You just need some time! Time will heal your wounds, and you won't have to suffer forever.


Rejection can hurt, But it doesn't have to set the stage for your whole life. If you get hung up on your rejection forever, You'll be in big trouble. Learn to improve yourself and not take it personally.

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