How To Remember What You Learn!


We often indulge in so much information every day that we struggle to remember the things that are important. With these tips, you can learn how to remember things easier.

Apply What You Learned NOW!

Read an article on weight loss? Well, start doing those push ups!
When you apply information that you learned right away, That application will force your brain to remember it. When you "put it off" for another day, You are less likely to remember. You may not even remember what information you looked up, or what issue you wanted to fix. So do it NOW!

Write It Down

I'm a wanna be minimalist with a paper hoarding issue. I love notebooks, And I love writing. Whenever you want to remember something, Just write it down, it's that easy. You are more likely to remember when you write things down; It's been proven. Typing can help you remember well, But it's not as strong as the act of writing.

Process It

We often consume large amounts of information quickly. Sometimes when the information is more complex, We don't think to carefully process it. That Is why I love writing it down; You can write little notes, You can break it down into smaller pieces, You can make diagrams and drawings, To make it much easier to remember it when you do that.

Draw It

Drawing it will allow you to process it. And you don't have to be an artist to do so. Try doodling with it. Make your little stick figure men, And it will help you retain the information.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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