How To Save Time & Have Great Habits!

This can be a hard thing to pull off at times. We get tired from work, And order fast food instead of preparing a meal. This habits can eventually cause weight gain And a loss of money in the long run.
As well as bad health.
Saving time and having great habits can make a massive difference in the long run.

Grocery shop in bulk

Grocery shopping is often an activity people DON'T Like doing. But once you run out of food your willpower will be low, And you will be more likely to order a pizza.
You can automate certain pantry items on Amazon Or the Thrive Market
That way you won't even think about it. I do this with my rabbit's food. Although you do want to keep track of how much you're using, and if you start to get a little too much, Maybe skip a month or two so you aren't overusing.
Also, you can use Costco memberships to help you buy fruits and vegetables in bulk. Hopefully, in the future, we'll see even more options for bulk buying.
Also buying vegetables in the frozen food isle is a great way to stock up, and be healthy. The vegetables are often frozen at the peak of freshness where some of the produce isles may not be as fresh.

Batch Cook

This is my favorite one! I cook for myself, But I often cook for 4-5 people And throw the leftovers in the fridge. It then eat on them as I get hungry.
It's a great way to avoid eating out Because I always have food that can just be heated up sitting in my fridge. It's healthier and saves me a lot of time Because cooking each, and every meal every day truly adds up.
Or I'll order from a meal company like Freshly That sends me ready to eat meals right to my doorstep, That are healthy so I don't have to worry about gaining weight from my pizza addiction haha!

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Use the 2 Minute Rule

One thing that often stresses us out every day is the overkill on our todo lists. We often have a massive amount of things we have to get done everyday. I love the 2-minute rule. Which states,
If it takes 2 minutes or less to do it, Do it NOW. That way it's done, and over with and you can stop thinking about it.

Whether you realize it or not, Stressing out about something and thinking about something wastes a lot fo your time.
It adds up fast.

Make Time For Yourself

Too many workaholics make the mistake of not making time for themselves. They do things for their employers, For friends and family. But they never take a moment to wind down for themselves.
Part of being productive, Is Also giving you adequate breaks and rest. You are more likely to be distracted and not get your job done when you are never taking time for yourself.

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