How To Use Minimalism To Boost Your Productivity!

Minimalist people are often more productive than those who aren't minimalist. I didn't believe this at first, but then I got so fed up with having so much stuff. That once I started getting rid of it, I realized how being a minimalist can make a difference.

Use To Do Lists

I love to To-Do Lists, But they can also get out of hand fast. People add 5,000,000 tasks to them. And they'll be lucky if they even get half of them done.
We feel defeated because of it. And sometimes it gets to the extent that we don't even want to look at our lists anymore.
Become a minimalist with your to-do lists, By putting on what is necessary! Tasks that have to be done. You can also include a mini list nearby of "bonuses." This is a great tactic I use, so I know that if I get done with work early, I can get a few extra things done.
I also love to do lists because sometimes we know we have a busy day coming up, And we have no idea how we can accomplish everything. By writing it down it often looks smaller than expected so we can conquer it. Instead of spending all day frantic thinking that accomplishing our goals of the day is impossible.

Cut Distractions

What I love about minimalism, It's it's truly life changing in so many ways, Financially, Stress wise as well as other things.
By Owning less, I no longer have to "look" for things, Because very often it's sitting in front of my face! My desk stays mostly clean and empty all the time so i"m not distracted by random objects.
Think about how much time you spend every week on all the crap you own; It may not seem like a lot. But it adds up, you trip over stuff, you have to "dig" through things to find something. Sometimes you can't find what you need at all, So You end up getting stuck buying the item again to replace it. Because it might be something, you need desperately.
I was mad when I lost my lead holder (Similar to a pencil) Sharpener a couple of months ago. After waiting and searching weeks to find it, I failed. So I broke down and bought a new one for 8.00 (Yeah they are expensive.) A week later I found the old sharpener. I was pissed.
Not only did I waste 8.00, But the sharpener will probably last a very long time, So It's not going to "break" soon. Now I'm stuck owning 2 when I only need one. This "distraction" caused me to waste my time and money Because I had to waste time looking for it. Which eventually led to me wasting my money on a new one!
Cut back your distractions, By getting rid of stuff, This includes your computer distractions.

Remember the Pareto Principle

For those of you who don't know, it's also called the 80/20 rule.
20% Of your efforts will be responsible for 80% of your success. This rule is so accurate in every aspect of your life. Remembering this rule Will allow you to pick the best possible opportunities for yourself. And you won't' feel as burned out when something your investing 80% of your time into, Isn't quite working.

Take breaks

I can't emphasize this enough! I used to Think that never taking a break would make me more productive. It doesn't. Having a second to refresh your mind and relax helps! Even if it's only a quick 10-minute walk, Do it! I do this with my running 2-3 times a day; Each run is a half hour. I start to look forward to it each day, And it encourages me to hurry up and get stuff done so I can get that running break.
What does this have to do with minimalism? Most people these days refuse to take any break, And when you own less stuff, you often have more time in your day. So you can have more breaks!


Minimalism is often about simplifying your life in every way possible. Whether it's mental, Physically or digitally. To enable you to take full advantage of your time. By having a smaller to-do list, And by taking breaks, Also eliminating things in your life that are slowing you down, You gain an advantage in your life, That many other people don't have. Because our devices, our physical lives, and our brains are so overstuffed with crap that is unnecessary.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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