I've Been LYING About MY Graduation Because I'm Embarrassed...

Say hello to failure. You have no chance at success now!
In high school, They act like if you don't go to college, Or graduate on time, It's the end of the world.
In high school, My world was ending. In my sophomore year,
I tortured myself. I had NO art classes all year. As a result, I was a miserable mess!
So in my Junior and Senior year, I made a promise to myself that I would take art classes.
In my Junior year, I successfully got 4 Art classes out of a total of 8.
Pretty much EVERY. SINGLE. ELECTIVE. Went towards an art class!

It wasn't enough....

Many people were jealous of my schedule. I would get to spend half of my school day everyday doing art.
But my heart still wanted more.
The pain was unbearable. I wasn't a straight-A student. But I worked hard in my classes to get good grades!
I would spend as much time doing art as possible. I'd get off school. Work on art, Go to my Sweeper/janitorial job. Come home and sometimes pull all-nighters drawing.

Something amazing happened. They came out with a program allowing me to take most of my "required" classes online.
I took advantage of this, And over the summer began working on my required classes. I had no problem taking all these classes during the summer. Most people refused to do this. But I saw it as an opportunity to learn from the amazing art teachers at my high school.

At one point I was taking 27 Online classes at once.
When I hit senior year, They naturally expected me to take all of the required classes, So I'd be on track for graduation. The school counselors gave me five art classes.

I Wasn't happy.

Eventually, I broke down and got really angry, and threatened to drop out, If they didn't do the crazy thing. Drop EVERY SINGLE REQUIRED CLASS. And Give me nothing but art. All 8 of my classes would be art.

They got me to 7. But one of my teachers refused to drop me from her class. So I Started "skipping" her class, by staying in my favorite art teachers class. She pretended not to notice I was there. It was hilarious.


She refused to drop me, and I was pissed. So I acted how normal teenagers do, I refused to do any of the work. It was an AVID Class. Which is a pointless class preparing you to go to college?
When she still kept me in her class despite skipping it And refusing to do the work. I took it up a notch.

I walked into her room, Wearing my art apron which was splattered in paint, Glues, and clay. I would bring clay into her class. And start making massive messes on her desks.

With group activities, I'd be in the corner, With my charcoals. Scrubbing, Coloring, and drawing. The leftover dust would coat the desks and the floor. Leaving black marks all over the place. ( I Bet the janitors hated me)

My teacher was horrified by this, But she kept me in her class anyways. But after a couple of months of dealing with me. She removed me from her class. I finally had my perfect eight art class a day schedule!

My passion for art was a scalding fire!

I wasn't the best at drawing in the whole world. Or even the whole school. But I was by far the most passionate.
I would sometimes tear up as I created my art Because the emotion I felt was so overwhelming. My drawing teacher thought I was crazy. Because I'd come to class half asleep. Ready to draw! He was shocked to find out that I was more than happy to sacrifice my sleep for art. Because I was in love with it. I was passionate!

I'm Embarrassed to Admit

I thought that by taking my last couple required classes online. I would graduate on time.
My class graduated in 2011.
And I have been lying to everyone. Saying that I also graduated in 2011.
Because I was embarrassed.
I graduated in 2012. With My Diploma With the online high school, I was attending.
It's funny how crushed I was. I didn't get a cap and gown. I didn't get to graduate with my class.
It took me an extra eight months to graduate. Because I followed my heart and ignored the advice from teachers, and counselors.

I Don't Give A Shit!

Guess what graduating on time would have gotten me If I never took those art classes?
Little did I know that the decision I made in high school would change my life! If I would have taken normal classes, If I would have graduated on time.

I wouldn't be self-employed right now. My passion for art Might be dead as well.
Because I took a massive risk. That changed everything! I may never have to have a regular job ever again. I'm going to live a life I always dreamed off.

So honestly, Who Cares If I'm a 2012 Graduate! It's sad that teens are taught that graduating "On Time" Is so important. What does "on time" Even mean? I graduated On time Because I took the time to pursue my passions. My "time" wasn't the same as everyone else "Time."

If your in high school, Which I know most of us are older than that. WHO CARES! When you graduate doesn't affect your success hardly at all! I know Straight A Students who graduated on time, And they are my age. They are still stuck at a dead end job. With mountains of debt. As of right now, They aren't anywhere near what they say they wanted to be when they "Grew up."
So focus on what you want out of life, And let things fall into place. Don't be afraid to carve your trail.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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