Keep Your Email CLEAN!


Most of us spend way too much time on our emails. It's ridiculous! Email can be an efficient tool, But at the same time, it can also cause us to waste a lot of time as well. We look at it 5,000,000,000 times a day, And we wonder why we got nothing done!
Here are some tips to keep your email clean, so you are less likely to waste time on it.

Write Scripts

As a business owner, I find my self-writing the same email in different wording, Over and over again. It gets old way fast. Write a paragraph answering the most common questions you get so you can copy and paste it everywhere. That will allow you to quickly get through all the emails you get at a much faster pace.

Make Folders and use them!

Nothing sucks more than when you desperately need to pull up an email on your phone and fast. By having convenient folders, you can quickly pull up stuff you need quickly. Without digging through a crazy messy inbox.

Unsubscribe from things

This one is stupid Easy, But we have so many things we are subscribed to. And often we don't even read any of the content. Unsubscribe from almost everything. If you miss it, You can subscribe again. Use apps like "zero" to quickly do that.
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Use Apps To clean your email

Sometimes doing it by hand can be annoying and tedious there are apps like "zero." As well as others in the app store to make cleaning your email much faster.
Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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