Kill Your DAMN shyness!

So many of us are shy these days! Maybe it's technology, Being able to stay home, Order pizza online. Go on Facebook. We pretty much have eliminated the need to go out and talk to people.

  • You can work from home
  • You can deposit checks with your phone.
  • You can buy anything online, Including groceries.

While these luxuries are quite nice, They have been increasing our shyness, So when we have actually to go out and interact with people. We don't know how to anymore.

One of the best skills you can learn in life, Is the ability to interact confidently with other people.

Also, making connections and building relationships becomes easier, And social events also are improved too.

Deliberately do the things you fear

Shy people often stay at home, Because social situations make them nervous.
However, putting yourself in a situation that frightens you helps overcome your fear. Whether it’s talking to people, pushing yourself in social settings can help boost your confidence and become more accustomed to being around people.

Put your thinking straight

Sometimes shyness can be considered an issue in your thinking that can generate distorted interpretations or predictions that cause anxiety.

To help combat that, Identify the unreasonable thoughts you are having.
This allows you to know how best to proceed, thus creating room for more constructive, positive thinking. When you focus on that, You are then able to focus on your positive traits instead.
Practicing this type of thinking eventually replaces all negative thoughts, thus helping boost your self-confidence.

Keep practicing

You have to actually go out there and practice. Not just read articles online, then sit at home doing nothing about it. You could even get a job that forces you to interact with other people.
It takes implementation to yield real results. Some people have transformed from shy to social. What they all have in common is that they found a method of fighting shyness that worked for them and worked at for several months and consistently. Continuous practice helps reprogram one’s behavior, feelings and thinking, thus making them more social and outgoing.

One of the most common mistakes that people make is that they give up too soon.

They think that once signs of confidence start to become evident; the race is over. This is why many of them get stuck.
The ultimate recipe to overcoming shyness is learning, applying, and willingness to invest in oneself. There is a big, exciting world out there and until you get out of your shell, you will never truly experience it.

Follow Me!!! @kaylinart
Thank you unsplash for the photos

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