
We are slowly getting to that point, Where people will step foot on Mars! It's an incredible thing! We are no longer relying fully on government space programs to explore space!
Independent Space companies are now getting involved.
Such as Mars One Whos' goal to build a permanent settlement on Mars as soon as possible. Anyone who goes, It's a one-way trip.
Other billionaires and such, Are starting their space companies. Such as Bill Gates, And Jeff Bezos. (CEO And Founder of Amazon)

Who wants a ticket?

NASA Seems to think these people are a little crazy! They are also planning to have humans go to Mars, But they plan on actually bringing the humans back!

There are thousands of issues that could go wrong in this.

It takes at LEAST 6 Months To Get To Mars

And that if we are "inline" with Mars at the time. Imagine if we were on opposite sides of the sun with Mars? That would be ridiculous to attempt to go around the sun to get to Mars.

So we have to wait until they align to go! Luckily this happens every two years! So We have a lot of opportunities to go.

After the humans arrive, There is another issue. Not only will it take another six months for them to get back, But If they miss the mark, They could potentially be stuck on Mars for quite some time.
We would have to have something already set up on Mars to accommodate those humans.

NASA Vs. Mars One

Mars One plans to send a one-way trip, As early as 2023.
While NASA aims for 2030's. NASA Plans to bring people back, But like Mars One They also plan to build a place for humans to stay.
Mars One has significantly less money coming in, So their larger goals seem a bit unrealistic.

Would you go?

Imagine living on Mars? Where it's so cold, you couldn't enjoy the outside. No beaches or trees. Just red dirt. While Mars has frozen water. It doesn't have any liquid water.
The mountains are bigger though! Olympus Mons is the highest mountain in the solar system!
While Mars would be a good temporary Plan B for Human existence, I wouldn't want to be the first one to go! That's for sure.
While the people who touch the Mars surface first Will never be forgotten. It's a terrifyingly risky move.
Their chances of survival seem slim. And once they get there, They will have an isolated life, Forever stuck with the people that were sent with them. The dust storms on Mars are also scary, Which could start to destroy equipment and living space.
Humans might be better off turning caves on Mars into homes. As they attempt to grow food.

The Atmosphere

The atmosphere on Mars is also a big issue! It's a very thin atmosphere. Meaning it cannot protect it's self as easily from impacts And the suns rays!
The atmosphere is mostly comprised of Carbon dioxide.

Sound Familiar?

On Earth, Plants take in Carbon dioxide and water, Through a process called "Photosynthesis" They then use that to create Sugar and oxygen. The oxygen that we breathe.
By having plants on Mars, We could start to help "thicken" the atmosphere. Eventually making it suitable for human life.
We are the opposite of plants, We breathe in the oxygen, And exhale Carbon Dioxide.
Of course, there is another extreme. If we cause it to become too thick. We could turn Mars Into another Venus, With a Runaway greenhouse effect. This is what happens when we have too much carbon dioxide.
This is the same culprit we have for our climate change issue.
So of course if we decide to turn Mars into another Earth. We'd have to be careful.

  • Would you go to Mars? Why or why not?
  • Are you excited about the Exploration of Mars? Or do you think as humans, We are wasting our time?

Image credits: Google, Thank you!

I upgraded my badges! Some of them are a little early! But I know I'm going to have them soon :)

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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