MAXIMIZE Every Day Of Your Life!


We each get 365 days in a year. But it's so easy to waste an entire day! Sure enough, it's the end of the year, and we feel like we accomplished so little! Here are some tricks to making yourself feel like you accomplished so much more!

Plan Your Day!

Planning your day is a big one! Sometimes when we wake up with no direction, it's easy to be confused. Sometimes when I don't write a to-do list, I stare at my wall feeling somewhat lost.
Especially when I'm groggy and tired when I wake up.
Writing a list of what you want to accomplish for the day, can make a huge difference. You can check off everything that you want to get done. And reward yourself.

Don't waste time on social media

It's one thing to browse your news feed real quick, But if you spend excessive amounts of time on social media. You won't have time left to do other things. Social media time adds up fast.

Don't Stress Over What You Can't Control

Sometimes we can't help it, But things that we cannot control can get us down! We want to have power over it, But we don't. And that quickly becomes stressful!
When we stress over the things that we cannot control, We just hurt ourselves more. We are unable to focus on the things we can control.

Don't compare yourself to others (Mostly).

Comparing yourself to others can sometimes be a helpful tool to gauge where you at. Just don't let it get out of hand. When you are beating yourself up, And obsessively comparing yourself to others. You become burned out, and you'll make yourself feel like crap.
And you won't accomplish anything.
Everyone has a different life story than you. They have all been through different things, Circumstances and opportunities will vary. Keep that in mind if you are setting realistic goals for yourself.

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