Quick And Easy Ways To SAVE Money!

Money, Our second most valuable resource next to time! Both resources are important to maintain if we want to have a happy life.
I don't care what anyone says; Money can help enhance your life.
If you are starving or stressed about paying rent every month. You can't possibly be happy at your maximum potentially.
Money is important.
While there are some people out there who take this too far, I know I am one of them at times, Having enough to survive is important too! Here are some quick ways to save Money, Many of them you may know. But I feel like we need reminding often.

Avoid the TV

Why? Not only does it run up your electricity bill, But it also has a lot of ads! They will impact you, Even on a subconscious level. And you'll wake up one morning thinking you were and something that you probably don't.
This happened to me all the time as I ran my drop shipping store. I had to "shop" all the time on Amazon and Ebay. I was just buying my customers products, so I didn't think much of it. But overtime I started to realize that I was spending more money because of those ads and seeing all these products that I thought I needed. Sometimes relying purely on willpower is not enough. You need to avoid the issue.

Prewrite shopping lists

It's too easy to add extra crap the cart we don't need. Write a list and stick with it. That way you'll never have to worry about overspending.

Sign up for customer rewards

Websites like Ebates Will pay you to shop online! You will get cash back on almost everything you buy. Including those regular purchases you make.
There are also a lot of store reward cards for grocery stores you can get, and credit card bonuses. Don't be afraid to read the fine print and take advantage of those benefits.

Drink more water

Water is incredible. It can make you feel full for longer! Sometimes our mind tricks us, When we are hungry or tired, it's just dehydration. Plus if you drink water instead of drinking sugary drinks you'll save more money.

Home Cooked Meals

This one a given! Cook your freaking food Lol

Freeze Batches of food

Some people may hate this idea, But I love it. You can cook a bit extra, then freeze the extras. Next time your thinking about going out to eat, You can grab one of those and put in the microwave. It will save you money in the long run. I feel like many of us are addicted to eating fast food because of the convenience it offers.

Keep curtains and blinds open

Let in the free light of the day. You'll save electricity too! Depending on the Windows locations you may be able to avoid using your lights all together during the day.

Cancel Memberships

We have so many recurring subscriptions today! They add up so fast and leave us month to month wondering what happened to our money! Cancel those. Cancel as many as you can. Or cancel all of them and only add them back as you need them again. This will save you money, Even if you end up resubscribing. Because if you go a couple of weeks or month without needing to use the service, Then that offsets your paying date by that amount of time, Which will save you a little money then if you were to leave it subscribed.

Eat, Then Shop

Go to the store on a full stomach. Or have a snack. Like someone in my last post commented. You are more likely to buy more And come home with lots of junk food if you go to the store hungry.


Decluttering is a great way to remind yourself of all the money you are wasting on random items that you don't need. This will help you think it through better when you consider buying more stuff.

Read For Entertainment

Not only is reading really good for you, But it's also one of the cheapest forms of entertainment, Kindle books are cheap. Libraries are free Unless you live in a country that charges a yearly fee. In that case, it will still be worth it, If you use it enough.
Reading is great for your brain and often doesn't have advertisements. Its fantastic!

Wear Layers

Wearing layers when your cold can save you money on heating costs! It's not hard to put on a jacket, Or use a blanket when your cold.

Use smaller plates

Studies suggest that when you eat from a smaller plate, you eat 20% less. At first, you may not see the savings but over time, You will. Many plates in America are HUGE! And we eat too much as a result. Using a smaller plate will allow you to pile on the food without feeling as much guilt.

Hang clothes to dry

Some countries do this already, But in America, We usually see a dryer as a necessary expense. Not only is it hard on your clothes, so you have to buy more, But it's bad for your electricity bill. Then buying the dryer is costly too. Just skip the dryer and hang up your clothes!

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