Stop Announcing Your Goals!

I see contradictory information on the internet lately. A lot of people recommend announcing your goals Like on Facebook, Or to family members. Because it forces you to be somewhat liable for your decision. Therefore you are more likely to accomplish it.

But at the same time, I'm noticing something else.
A while back, I posted on Facebook a goal that I have, And I got a ton of likes and comments on support. It made me feel really good.

Yay! I'm doing this, I thought!

But then I realized something,

I wasn't as motivated

What??? I mean I just posted it on Facebook, No big deal right?

Your Brain Thinks You Accomplished It

When you sometimes get too much praise for something you haven't' accomplished yet, You can often trick the brain into thinking that you already did it. This can cause you to want to skip the hard work associated with accomplish the goal, And instead not do it. Because you already got that "Mental Reward" associated with doing the work.

Maybe A Happy Medium

Trying both ways will help you figure out the best method for you. I find that telling a couple of people about my goals is a great way to make myself liable to accomplish them. But also doesn't give me too much mental satisfaction right away. I feel like I've found a great balance for me.

Do you have this issue?

It seems to be common. It also makes me wonder if that's why New Year's resolutions die out so quickly as well.
We announce them; Everyone has them. Then we work together for a while, But later our everyday habits creep back on us. And we don't go back to what we were doing before.


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