Stop! Buying Organizing Containers!


I'm obsessed with buying organizing containers. I don't know what it is about having something that helps you organize your stuff. But I'm addicted.
Every time I go to the store I want to buy more of them.
As I declutter and get closer to being what I would call a minimalist. I have less and less of a need to have things to store my items.

What Will You Put In It?

You should know what you're going to use it for BEFORE you buy it. If you don't know what you want to put in it. That's a clear indication that you don't need it.

Do You Have Something You can Use Instead?

Organizing products add up in cost fast. It's weird how plastic containers and such can be so expensive!
Shoe boxes, Amazon boxes Etc work just as good as plastic containers. Plus you can easily recycle them guilt free when you're done with them. Because you got them for free!
Avoid buying them if you can. Sometimes when we own more organizing containers, We have this belief that they have to be "filled up" at all times. Which will encourage you to own more stuff then necessary!
The other day I wanted to get rid of one of my storage containers. It was empty. And my instinct was to put something in it. But as I looked at my belongings I realized I had nothing to put in it.
But I still insisted on keeping it. It was a silly thought process that I went through Before I finally realized that I didn't need it and now was the time to get rid of it. So I did.

Why Exactly Do You Want it?

Sometimes it seems like they will just make your life easier. Or they look pretty! I think many of us are obsessed with items that we feel could simplify our life. So We gravitate towards those organizing things! But we don't stop to think about why we think we need it, And why we want it so bad. When you think about it, you may realize you don't need that cute basket after all. That you just like the idea of it!

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