The AWESOME Benefits Of Being Self Employed!


I never imagined this would be my life! I was terrified when I left my job in August of last year! I have been through so many ups and downs with my self-employment. It's an exciting time to be 24!

Self-employment has a lot of unexpected downsides that I never expected. I guess I always thought I'd be sipping margaritas on a beach all day with no worries in the world. I never imagined that all the hard work I did BEFORE I left my job, Was Only the Beginning.

I wouldn't trade my self-employment for anything! But it was a shock at first.

You Get To Pick The People You Spend Time With

No more coworkers you don't like. No more pretending and dealing with the awkwardness of talking to them. When you are self-employed, you have a lot of control over the people you are surrounded by. Sure, You can't be too picky with customers, and sometimes they'll be a pain to deal with. But you still have a lot of leverage. You can even outsource that part, so you don't have to interact directly.


I can be incredibly flexible. I essentially create my schedule.
IF I want to sleep all day, Work all night that's my choice. Do I want to spend all day at the pool followed by a few hours of nighttime work, Done!
When I go on vacation, I can take my laptop with me, And get more work done! It's so sweet, Sometimes this gets out of hand, Because I need to enjoy my vacation, But when I'm stuck waiting at the airport, I can take out my laptop and work on stuff. Or while on the plane I can work.
This allows me to be more productive, and do more money making activities throughout the day. Many jobs, Require that you are there to do the work. And when you leave you are stuck with whatever they will pay you. You don't have a say in how much you want to make either! With self-employment, You kinda get to choose. Obviously, you have to pursue the correct opportunities to make this happen, and you have to work for it, But even the amount you make is flexible, and it's a beautiful thing.

You can be More Passionate About Your Work

Every day I get to do something fun, Sure I don't get to spend all day drawing Like I originally had hoped. I still have to do budgeting and spreadsheets, and overall some work that I don't like. But most of my day is consumed by things I enjoy and things I want to do. Not things I am forced to do.
Today was supposed to be T-shirt day, Where I spend all day making designs. But I was in the mood to write Steemit posts. So I am now doing Steemit posts instead hehe. While occasionally Pressing buttons on my phone. Because I have a special app that makes the designs for me, and I can cycle through the designs it makes for me. So I'm doing a little of both! If I were working for someone else, My supervisor would tell me exactly what to do, And I really wouldn't have a say with what I do with my day.

Take The Plunge!

If self-employment is something, you are thinking about doing! Then do it! It is so worthwhile, It's definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, And I'm so grateful for it!

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